Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV-

"Well that was a scary experience" I said while walking back to my house in the cold crisp winter air. I always loved this weather.

Jason back out on killing me and suprised me with an apology. I wasnt expecting him on doing that.

"That was quick" My mom said while cooking dinner. I closed my front door, taking off my jacket and walking over to my mom.

"Yea he just had to tell me something" I said softly. She nodded while handing me a plate of chicken and a cup of soda.

"Thanks mom" I said while jogging up the stairs to my room. I set my plate on my bed and grabbing my phone from my pocket. I decided to call Justin, just to see what he was up too.

"Hello"? His voice rang from the speakers.

"Hey" I said while smiling through my words.

"What are you doing"? He asked

"I just got back from a visit with Jason" I breathed out.

"What? He hurt you"? Justin yelled.

"No no, he apologized" I assured Justin.

"He did? Wasnt expecting that" He replied.

"Yea same. I just hope its not a setup or something" I said

"Yea, he would do that" Justin notified me.

"I believe you" I chuckled.

"So ill see you tomorrow?" He asked nervously.

"Yea you will" I giggled.

"Ok bye. Ill notify the guys. Goodnight beautiful" He said while hanging up.

Butterflies filled my stomach as his choice of words.


"Goodmorning" Justin said smiling at my locker.

"Morning. Wheres Ryan and Chaz"? I asked as my eyes scanned through the halls.

"Oh their both sick. They ate something bad" Justin said. I nodded while a smile tugged at my lips.

"Ok Ariana, i know its a bad time to be asking you this special question but i just cant hold it in any longer. Will you be my girlfriend"? Justin asked with hope in his eye. I literally froze in my place. Did he just ask what i thought he did?

I did like Justin, i knew it for a fact. He was an amazing friend, he was kind, gentle. He was cute too. He was perfection in my eyes.

"Ariana"? He asked me with questioning eyes.

"Oh yea um what did you ask"?

"Will you be my girlfriend"? He asked nervously scratching the back of his head. I didnt even have to think twice.

"Yes" I nodded quickly as his eyes lit up. Justin put his hands on my waist pulling me towards him, pushing his lips onto mine. And let me tell you, it was perfect. He was perfect.

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