Chapter 2

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1 day here in Canada and I already feel homesick. I miss LA..i have so many memories there. My friends and I going to the park everyday, the fun times we had, our laughter. I just miss it so much already.

Today was my first day at school in Canada....Stratford, Ontario rather. I was nervous but a little excited at the same time. Maybe it wont be so bad.

I got up, got changed and did all that stuff. I dressed nice, to make a good impression on people. After i was done, I went downstairs.

"Im going to school now Mom" I told my mom half smiling.

"Oh ok. Bye have a good day" She said while hugging me tightly.

I opened my front door and left. I felt the cold breeze on my face. I could hear the leaves rustling on the ground. It was so peaceful.

As i was walking to school, something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to my head to see a 5'7 teenage boy looking about to be 17. Same as me. He noticed my staring and I turned away inatantly.

He looked like the boy looking at me through his window. What if it was him? I decided to power walk to school. I didnt want to be late.

When I entered the school, I received glares from tons of people. Some whistled, some ignored. I rolled my eyes at the guys who whistled.

I looked down at my schedule to see what class I had first. Language Arts. I opened my locker and put my given books in their. I shut it and walked to class.

I entered the classroom full of shyness. I slowly walked in looking back into the peoples eyes as they eyed me up and down.

"Over here" A guy said from the back of the room. I walked to the seat and sat down

"So your new here?" The boy said. He had short blonde hair and seemef tall. His blue eyes really stood out

"Yea" i stuttered.

"Want me to show you around? Im Ryan by the way" He said nodded my head.

"um Yea thatd be great and its Ariana" I said smiling. I liked this guy. I guess i made a new friend

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