Chapter 35

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I woke up to the sound of a conversation going on. Familiar voices being heard through my mind. I gasped opening my eyes quickly.

Everyone in the rooms attention fell upon me. There eyes widening as they all got up rushing over to me. I was confused as ever.

"Ariana are you okay?" Justin asked me breathing heavily.

"Yea im alright. What happened?" I asked my friends with pleading eyes.

"You fainted" Ryan said assuring me.

"Why would i faint?" I asked looking at my surroundings realizing i was in a hospital. What the hell?

Everyone gave each other looks of sadness.

"Your dad was killed" Macy said looking down. Thats when everything came back to me. Me getting the news of my father dieing, and me falling to the ground. Thats all i remember from there.

I still couldnt believe what i was hearing.

"How?" I asked holding back my tears sitting up in my hospital bed. Thank god they didnt make me change into one of those dress things.

"He was shot" Justin said putting his hands in his pockets. Those words hit me hard making my heart stop. I stared at the ground as all thoughts ran through my mind. I couldnt have an anxeity attack, or a meltdown. I still didnt believe what was being said to me. I stopped my gaze at the floor looking up at Justin.

"I dont believe you" I said with a cold stare. His eyes widened in shock.

"Here" He said tossing his phone to me. "Read that" He spat. My eyes met an online news article that read..


Last night at about 9:00pm three police officials were shot by unknown criminals J-

Before i could read the rest , Justin took his phone back in his hands.

"Now do you believe me? Ariana i wouldnt lie to you about something like that" He stated.

"I just cant believe it" I said fighting back the urge to break down in front of my friends. They looked at me with sad eyes.

"We cant either" Jenna said. Sadness filled my body at the thought of my father being dead. Knowing someone took his life for their happiness made my body cringe

"Lets go guys" I said getting up from the bed, signing my name out, and walking out of the hospital with my friends behind me.


I opened the door to my house with my friends behind me. My eyes fell upon my mom and Eli sitting on the couch with no expression on their faces, lifeless.

"Ari" My mom choked out running over to me, choking me in a hug. Still i fought the urge to cry, i had to be brave.

"Ill come back down later. Come on guys" I said walking up the stairs with my best friends behind me again. We reached my room, all walked in, and shut my door.

As soon as my door slammed shut, i broke. I bursted into tears sliding down my door, with my head in my hands.

My father was gone. My Daddy. The one person i looked up to when i was little girl, was gone. And i couldnt do anything about it.

Little did i notice that Justin had planted himself beside me holding me in his arms.

"Aw" Ryan said sadly.

"Its gonna be okay" Justin whispered in my ear. I believed him.


*Five minutes later*

" Who would do this to me, my mom.." I said still in Justin's arms not caring. Everyone watched us.

"Its horrible" Max said in a low tone.

"I really wanna find out who did this. So i can kick his or her sorry ass. Maybe even kill them" I said tensing up. And standing up.

"Did it say who did it"?

"Ill get right on it" Justin said. "Ill be back" And with that he left us all in my room.


Justin's POV-

I ran out of Ariana's house making my way over to Jason McCann's house. He ended a life. A life that was important to my love's life.

My legs moved faster at the thought of Jason happy over this. He most likely was. Well he wont be happy for long.

After about five minutes of running, i reached the warehouse. I breathed out, catching my breath from all the running. I ran up his porch stares and barged in.

There stood Jason and three other guys. They put their ciggarettes aside giving me a confused look.

"How fucking dare you" I said grabbing Jason's collar and forcefully push him into a wall. His friends came up to me pulling me off and slamming me to the ground. I groaned picking myself up and giving Jason a death glare.

"What the hell are you talking about Bieber?" He spat. Was he really that dumb?

"Dont act stupid McCann. We all know you killed Ariana's Dad. " I spat. Jason's eyes widened even more.

"How the hell do you know that?" Jason asked.

"Its all over the news" I said crossing my arms.

"Dammit" Jason cursed under his breath. "Wait it was her dad?!. SHIT" "She wont be to happy when she finds out who did it" I smirked. Jason's face fell. He walked over to me getting in my face.

"She also wont be to happy when she finds her mother dead either" He chuckled. "So if i were you, id keep my mouth shut" He said getting spit in my eye.

"Fine" I growled running out of the warehouse and back to Ariana's.


I ran back up to Ariana's room to find everyone sitting on her bed in mid conversation. Theres eyes lit up at the sight of me.

"Did you find out who did it?" Ariana asked with her cute little voice.

"Nope" I said as my heart ached.


A/N- yea it sucks. Sorry if your all confused. Your questions will be answered next chapter ♡

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