Chapter 17

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"Here you go my lady" Justin said in a funny voice while opening the car door for me. I chuckled while stepping out.

"Why thankyou sir" I played along as we both belted out into laughter. His famous smile appeared causing me to smile again myself.

We walked into the bowling alley, our bodies close. Justin and I walked up to get our bowling shoes.

"What sizes"? The man asked us with a wide smile, showing his teeth.

"8" Justin said then turned attention to me. "Whats your shoe size"?

"5" I said softly causing Justin to chuckle. The man nodded and went to get our shoes. Justin continued to let out a few laughs.

"What so funny"? I asked him lifting an eyebrow with a smirk on my face.

"You have little feet" He said smiling. I frowned a little but then it turned into a forced smile.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes playfully. He pulled me to face him.

"Babe i was joking" He chuckled while kissing me on the lips. It quickly turned into a makeout.

"Here are your s-" The man stopped his words while staring at the two of us. We both brought our attention to him.

"Sorry if i interuptted" He chuckle while handing us our shoes.

"Thanks" I muttered with my cheeks turning pink. Justin let out a small laugh, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We walked over to our setup game and began to bowl.

"I want the pink ball"! I exclaimed with excitement.

"Its all yours" He said while gently placing it in my hands. I looked back at him with smirk while walking up to where i bowl.

I studied the pins carefully, placing my ball in position. I let it go, waiting to see how many pins i had knocked down.

Suddenly the screen above us flashed the word 'STRIKE!' causing me to smile proudly. I walked back over to Justin smirking.

"Beat that Bieber" I chuckled. Justin smiled and grabbed his blue ball up to the front of the alley.

"Gladly" He continued to smirk as he let the ball slide across the shiny wood floor. 'STRIKE!' came on the screen again causing me to cross my arms.

"What can i say babe, im a pro" Justin cockily said while planting a kiss on my cheek causing me to blush.

The game went on for about an hour, time flying by. This had to be the best date ever.

"I win!" I screamed jumping up and down in joy.

"Your such a kid" Justin smiled to himself running his fingers through his hair.

"Im your kid" I smiled then froze. Justin's eyes widened then he began to laugh like crazy.

"Oh god thats not what i meant" I rolled my eyes while laughing.

"I know" He smirked while starting the engine to the car, pulling out of the bowling alley parking lot.

The car ride was silent until Justin turned on the radio. The song "Feel this moment" began to blast through the cars speakers.

I couldnt help but sing my favorite song. Justin chimed in in the chorus making me laugh. The rest of the car ride was filled with laughter and singing with my amazing boyfriend.

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