Chapter 19

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A/N- Hey guys! So, im gonna be making the chapters longer then usual. Since i write on my phone, it seems like i write a lot. Enjoy♥ x

·Remember that Ariana and Justin arent famous in this story. Its all fiction·


"I gotta go now, my crews waiting for me" He said while flicking his hair.

" A gang?" I asked him with curious words. He nodded while putting his hoodie over his head.

"Oh. Well ill see you tomorrow"? I asked him. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Yea, tomorrow" He smiled while walking away into the dark woods. I huffed and walked into my house. My eyes fell upon my mom and dad sitting together in the living room.

"Hey mom, hey dad" I said while closing the door and taking a seat next to them. They look at me with joyful eyes.

"Hey sweetie" My mom said with a grin on her face. My dad smiled my way.

"I have something to tell you guys" I said referring to Justin & I being a "thing".

"What"? My dad furrowed is eyebrows. "Is it bad"? My parents both stared at me.

"Oh no, no. Not bad at all" I reassured them. "Justin and I are dating" I smiled.

"Yay" My mom cheered while wrapping me in a hug. I smiled. "You guys are perfect for each other".

"Do i know this Justin"? My dad asked in a not so friendly tone while dropping his news paper into his lap.

"Yea Dad, remember the movie night with Ryan and Chaz"? I asked him as my heart beated faster.

"Oh yea. He was a very nice boy" He smile to himself.

"Im really tired so im gonna go upstairs now" I excused myself while running up my stairs.

I opened my bedroom door, walking in, closing my door, and falling onto my bed. I smiled as felt the warmth of my bed on my skin.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring snapping me out of my comfortable position. I groaned taking my phone out of my pocket. I pressed "Answer" in an instant not bothering to check the ID.

"Hello?" I asked in an angry tone while moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Someones cranky" A familiar voice spoke through my phone.

"Sorry Justin, im just tired" I chuckled softly. Justin did the same.

"Its fine babe. So whats up"? He asked.

"Nothing. I miss you" I said while falling onto my bed.

"I miss you too Ari. Even though its been only 20 minutes" He laughed. I laughed aswell.

"I love your laugh" I said giggling.

"I love you" He said with an obvious smile along with his words.

"I love you too" I said, meaning it. I really did love him. He was my dream guy.

"So after you left, Jason gave me a suprise visit" I said while looking in my mirror.

"Did he hurt you!?" Justin yelled.

"No i already told you he apologized. Anyway he asked me if we can be friends and i accepted"

" I dont trust him" Justin paused and spoke.

"Maybe he's changed" I muttered.

"It could be a setup ya know. Hes known for his evil schemes" Justin warned. He could be right, it all could be a setup to try to hurt me. But then again, he apologized. Jason McChann never had a soft side.

"It can be. But who knows" I said

"Remember if he ever lays a hand on you, tell me. I'll kick his ass" He said which i can tell he was being serious.

"Thanks Justin" I said giggling.

"Anything for my girl" He said in his cute little voice.

"Alright well im gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight babe" I smiled through my words.

"Night princess, i love you" He cooed on the other end of the line. My stomach churned at the memory of Jason calling me "Princess".

"Love you too" I said hanging up quickly.

more laterrr.x.

i wanna know if people are actually reading my stories and if its just self views. So please 'VOTE' so i know its not only me. Thanks♥


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