Chapter 37

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Jason's POV-

I stared at my my phone screen, deciding to text Ariana back or not. I mean, if i text her, she'll most likely ask where i am or if i wanted to chill. I cant have her know where i am. She would never pick me to be her boyfriend. But if i lied to her, she'd hate me even more.

Do i feel bad about killing her father? In some ways. Do i regret it? Maybe. Should i have done it? No. Because both options would lead me here, in prison.

"Im so fucking stupid" I said under my breath holding my face in my hands.

Ariana's POV-

I texted Jason about an hour ago and he never got back to me. Was he upset with me? Was something wrong? Was he ignoring me? Why do i care so much? Did i love him more?

I sighed throwing my IPhone on my bedroom floor. All of this was hard. So much pressure.

Everyone wants me to pick Justin. But i feel almost attached to Jason. I cant just let him go.

Justin makes me feel happy. He makes me believe everythings gonna be alright and that ill be okay. Whenever im around him i get that butterfly feeling. We have history.

But Jason, we have no history. Although hes kidnapped me and held me hostage for two days, i still feel safe around. He makes me feel safe and hes been a great friend.

Its a hard decision, really.

I picked up my phone and decided to walk over to Jason's "house". Its considered a Warehouse but ok.

"Im going out mom" I mumbled as i came downstairs in plain jeans and a Juicy hoodie. She nodded while getting food out to make dinner. The tiredness revealed upon her face making my heart sadden. It must be harder on her than it is on me. Losing your husband...

I jumped down my stairs as i felt the cool Canadian air breeze on my face, remembering that i hadnt left the house in awhile. It was good to get out.


I swallowed hard as i rang the bell of his house. Ive never really done this before.

Moments later my eyes met with a spikey brown haired guy who looked about Jason's age. His eyes widened at my presence.

"Oh you must be Ariana" He said shakily scratching the back of his head. "Im Ben" He said holding out a hand. I shook it nicely.

"Nice to meet you" I flashed a smile. "Same to you" He chuckled.

"Um is Jason here?" I asked. His eyes widened again.

"Um uh " He stuttered. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is everything okay?" I asked with a confused expression on my face.

"Uh yea its jus-"

"Where is he?" I asked demandingly.

"I cant tell you" He said throwing his hands up in the air. Why couldnt he tell me? What the hell.

"And why is that?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Because Jason is in jail!!" He yelled as he covered his hand with his mouth with scared eyes.

"Why is he in jail? For how long?" I asked nervously.

"Now i definitily cant tell you that" He said walking away until i stepped in and grabbed his collar and held him close. His eyes focused on mine.

"Listen here buddy. I have had the most terrible week of my life. My father dieing, friends leaving, depression. Now if you do not fuckin tell me where his ass is i think we will have a problem" I said seriously.

"Okay fine" He sighed. "The reason hes in jail is because..we all killed your father and his team" He said. Jason killed my father? This cant be happening.

"Your lieing" I spat.

"No im not. Jason shot him" He said. Fury took over my body as i grabbed Ben's head and slammed it into a wall. He released my grip and pinned me to a wall. My heart beating fast and breath heavy.

"Look i am really sorry we did this. We didnt know it was your Dad. And i never say sorry" He said looking me in the eyes. I held back my tears.

"Ill drive you down to the station to see Jason, if you want too" He said. "The guys went shopping" He shrugged.

"Ok" I said.


A/N - So, this is the chapter before the last one. Suprise, Suprise. There WILL be a sequel. I got it all planned out. Im sorry if this story is so pathetic to you. The sequel will be better, i can promise you that.

Soo, who do you think Ariana will choose? Jason or Justin? And who do you want her to pick? Leave your comments below♡

Thanks for reading! :)

more later or tomorrow... ♥

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