Chapter 34

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Jason's POV-

"You guys got the guns ready?" I asked the guys while flicking my hair to the side like usual.

"Yea. All loaded, ready for the plan" Ben winked sitting on the couch.

"Excellent" I said under my breath. A knock on the door made my heart skip a beat, knowing a few lives would end in a matter of minutes, all by me. "Ill get it" Eli winked manneringly opening the door. There stood three police men with notepads and walkie talkies in their hands. Eli gave them an innocent smile.

"Hello. Welcome to our home" He said trying not to break into laughter. His struggle caused a laugh to escape my mouth. The cops gave him a smile in return. They stepped in slowly observing the place.

"Nice home you got here. You four live together?" One officer said.

"Yea were best friends" Jacob said smirking.

"Ah i see" The head officer said.

"Question time boys" The head officer said taking a seat on the couch while the others stood and observed us four.

"So McCann, do you know anything about a bombing here in town?" The officer asked me staring at my eyes.

"No why do you ask?" I asked trying to act innocent.

"Well we know what you do. Infact everybody does. And knowing your past actions, maybe you've down it" He said with a cold stare. I gave him one back. I turned my head to the guys who sat behind me, giving them the "its time" look.

Suddenly, Eli sat up pointing a gun at the head officer. Not even thinking about it, he pulled the trigger resulting him to fall to the ground in a puddle of blood. I swallowed hard knowing shit was about to go down.

The two other officers pulled out their guns and pointed it at me and the guys. I pointed up my gun aswell pulling the trigger with a blink of an eye, all the cops were dead.

"Good Work gentleman" Eli said grabbing the mens equipment.


"Thank god thats over" Ben huffed while coming back in the car from throwing the three bodies in the river.

"Yea. One less thing off my chest" I said under my breath. Eli took a hold of my words, staring me down.

"What else do you have on your chest?" Eli spat making me cringe in annoyance.

"Lets just say Ariana has to pick between me and Bieber" I said with a glare.

"Isnt that exactly what your saying?" Jacob said making me slap him.

"Ow" He sighed.

"Hold up a second. She likes Bieber?" Eli questioned in shock.

"They dated. Until they broke up, because she realized she had feelings for me too" I paused. "Now, she has to make a decision. Jason the badass or Justin the romantic guy" I said looking out the window.

"Well i just hope she picks you" Eli said making me widen my eyes at his words. Was i hearing things? "I know you love her. And your my friend, i dont like seeing you down" He said half smiling. A smile tugged at my lips.


Ariana's POV-

"You girls look gorgeous! I did a fine job" I said with my hands on my hips.

"You sure did" Macy smiled doing a pose in the mirror. She turned around smiling at me.

"Thankyou so much for doing this" She said hugging me tightly.

"Yea thanks Ari. Your the best" Jenna said joining our hug.

"No problem beauties" I chuckled.

"You girls ready?" Justin's voice echoed through my house.

"Yea one minute" Jen and Macy called back grabbing their bags and phones. They grabbed them quickly and made their way downstairs.

I followed behind them in my grey sweatpants and white tanktop. Chaz and Ryan's eyes widened at the sight of their dates gorgeous looks. Macy wearing a short black tight dress with black heels and Jen in a short white tight dress and white heels met eyes with their dates.

"You girls look so pretty" Justin complimented. A wave a jealously crashed in my stomach. It was the truth though, they did look stunning. "Justin's right" I smiled.

"Aw thankyou" Macy and Jen smiled.

"You look beautiful" Chaz said to Jenna getting lost in her eyes. I could feel the click between them two.

"Thankyou Chaz"

"You look beautiful Macy" Ryan flashed a smile with his white teeth.

"Thanks" She said biting her lip.

"Awwwww so cute" I cooed.

"I feel alone" Max said from behind us making us all laugh.

"Shall we go" Ryan said.

"We shall" They all said making their way out the door. I smiled as the door shut. Just then Ryan and Chaz ran back in coming towards me kissing me on each cheek.

"Thankyou!!" They yelled jumping out laughing. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Now what?" Justin asked. With that, the phone rang making me jump. I ran over to get it not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone.

"Hello Ariana its mom" My mom said sounding like she was panicking.

"Whats u-" I got cut off.

"Im coming home now, your father is dead" She yelled and then cried over the phone. My face fell and froze, my heart stopping. My lungs stopping

Everthing in me had stopped.

Justin looked up at me with caution in his eyes. I dropped the phone to the ground , my body falling to the floor. Then everything went black.


A/N- One word, damn. What do you guys think? ♡


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