Chapter 27

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Ariana's POV-

I slammed my door shut quickly wiping the tears running down my face. I sat on my bed calmly thinking back at what just happened.

Justin and Jason started to fight, I tried to break it up, and i yelled at Justin in front of the whole school and my friends.

Was i wrong? I dont even know. But i couldnt control my anger any longer, so i snapped. I needed to show how i felt.

"Ariana?" A voice called from behind my door. My heart stopped and I looked up at the door.

"What?" I spat wiping my eyes again.

"Open up, its Justin" He said softly as the music played in the backround. "I dont want to speak to you" I said crossing arms.

"Come on babe" He whined. I gave in and opened the door with no expression on my face.

"Ari?" He said looking at my tear stained face.

"What do you want Justin?" I asked breathing out. His eyes met mine and quickly so did his lips. I kissed back passionatly, forgeting the fact i was ever mad at him. He had that effect on me.

I came back to reality suddenly and broke away the minute long kiss. He stared into my eyes desperately.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked in a low voice pouting.

"Why should i after you totally embarressed me in front of everyone?" I said coming back.

"Look im sorry for that. Im sorry ok? I just dont like Jason. And i also dont want you seeing him. Hes bad news, believe me" Justin sighed.I squinted my eyes.

"How do you know so much about Jason?" I asked crossing my arms. A panic look fell upon his face making him seem nervous.

"We used to hang out a lot. We were best friends. We did everything together. Until he killed my 13 year old sister four years ago." Justin stuttered. His eyes started to get watery and his palms sweaty.

"He...killed your sister?" I gasped lowly in shock. He nodded slowly. "Oh my god thats horrible. Im so sorry" I said

"Thanks but its not your fault" He said looking down.

"Why would he do such a thing?" I asked yelling.

"Well, they used to date when they were both 13. She cheated, he took it too far. And the next day she was gone. Just like that" He said softly making my heart cringe.

"Now do you see why i want you away from him? I dont want you getting hurt" He proving his point.

"Im sorry that happened to your sister Justin. Its horrible in everyway possible. But what makes you think that he'd do that to me?"

"Hes a criminal babe! Why wouldnt you expect that? Do you like him or something?" He asked his eyes sparkling. I stopped in my place, remembering my sudden feelings for Jason. Justin's eyes looked down.

"You do, dont you?" He asked pouting.

"I dont know Justin. Just give me so-"

"No Ariana, if you like him go be with him. Im out of here." He said walking out slamming my door behind me.

I continued to stare at the door. Frozen, heartbroken.

Justin broke up with me.


OH SHNAAAPPP. Justin broke up with Ariana. Damn.

Thanks for reading guys!♥ more later

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