Chapter 9

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A/N- I hope you guys like this story. Im sorry if you find it boring :/ Anyway heres Chapter 9, ill be updating again later. (: x Emily

Ariana's POV-

I gasped as i felt the touch of Justin's hand in mine. As cheesy as it sounds, it felt perfect. He looked down at me, a smile forming on his lips.

"Awwwww" Ryan and Chaz cooed from the back of the truck. I instantly pulled my hand to my side, blushing madly. I couldnt up it.

"Im sorry" Justin whispered making sure the weirdos in the back didnt hear it.

"Dont worry about it" I paused. "It felt kinda..perfect" I smiled and he gave one back.

I turned away to look out the car window. Watching each car racing past us, hearing music from others cars.

"Were here!" Justin squeaked while unbuckling his seat belt and racing over to my side. He opened my door in a flash.

"I have arms you know" I chuckled while jumping over the car and shutting the door.

"I know" He flashed a smile.

"Alright love birds can we go pick a movie now"? Ryan smirked with Chaz next to him.

Love birds? Was it that obvious?

Justin's POV-

"I wish we were love birds" I thought to myself while we all walked into the movie thearter.

"What do you guys wanna see"? I asked everyone while scratching the back of my head.

"The Titanic" Chaz said in a romantic kind of way. We all looked at him shaking our heads.

"The Last Excorcism"? Ariana chirped.

"Thats my girl" I said smiling. I stopped when i had realized what i just said.

"Uh uh i mean" I stuttered. They all looked at me like i had two heads. "I dont know what i mean" I finally gave up on trying for an excuse. I liked Ariana..a lot and i need her to know.

"The Last Excorcism it is! " Ryan said while we bought are tickets and went inside.

We got our popcorn and soda and sat in the back like Ryan, Chaz, and i used to do.

"Hey" Ariana said nudging me. I turned to look at her perfect figure. "Isnt that Jason..Jason McChann"? She questioned nervously while pointing to two rows beneath us.

My eyes widened in horror at the sight of that..THING. What was he doing here? Wasnt he in jail"?

"Miss me"? Jason said while turning around with a smirk glued to his lips.

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