Chapter 23

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A/N- enjoy loveliessss♥


"So, how was your day with Jason?" Justin said sarcastically into the phone making me roll my eyes.

"It was good" I spoke into my phone.

"Did he hurt you?" Justin asked in a nervous voice.

"Justin i already told he's changed. He's actually not that bad of a guy" I stated with full honesty. He wasnt really a bad guy at all, besides his "buisness".

"Just be aware of what he's capable of, ok?" He said softly into the phone.

"K ill see you tomorrow"? I asked him trying to change the subject. It seemed like Jason was all we ever talked about.

"Yea, goodnight ari"

" Night babe"


* One Week Later *

Today was my birthday. Yup, the big 18. Its weird because i dont feel different at all. I still feel like the little Ariana i was 10 years ago.

My birthday party should be interesting. I invited the guys of course, people from school, and Jason.. . My friends back home in LA cant make it, since they have a huge midterm tomorrow. I dont blame them, school comes first.

I sprinted out of my bed, jumping into my shower with a smile plastered on my face. I was finally a grownup.

I got out quickly, drying my body and getting dressed into a pink and white baggy shirt that hung a little over my shoulders, black shorts, and black heels. It suited me well.

I curled my new light brown hair to its finest, applying some light makeup.

I grabbed my bag and phone making my way downstairs to see breakfeast made for me with my parents and brother standing next to each other.

"Happy Birthday Ariana" My brother groaned making me roll my eyes and giggle.

"Happy Birthday sweetie" My mom and dad said and came over to me hugging me.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"We cant believe your 18 already" My dad said still hugging me.

"Same" I sighed smiling.

"Eat your food and then come outside for your suprise" My mom smiled walking outside along with my dad and brother.

I wonder what this suprise was. Whatever it was, i was excited to see it. I quickly ate my food, grabbed ny stuff, and ran outside.

Right in front of my face was a car. Wait, a CAR?!

" oh my god no way" I screamed with a smile through my words. I ran over to my silver sports car and hopped in the front seat. "Oh my god thankyou so much i love you" I shouted to my parents from the window.

"Your welcome. We thought you might need it since your 18 now. You need freedom" My dad smiled showing his white teeth.

" Do i drive it now?" I said in an excited voice. My mom and dad nodded.

" No fair how come she gets car?" Ed complained making me roll my eyes once more as i started the engine.

I took my driving test back in LA and gladly passed. I knew i was a good driver and i could handle the road.

I started to slowly drive away from the driveway, smiling to myself. This was gonna be a fun day.


I pulled up to the school, parking my car in the parking lot. I still couldnt believe i owned a car.

I jumped out of my car with my hollister bag on my right shoulder and my pink iphone in my hand.

Suddenly 3 famaliar boys came running up to me and tackled me in a hug.

"Happy Birthday Ari" Justin, Chaz, and Ryan said smiling.

"Thanks guys" I said smiling and turning my gaze to Justin.

"Happy Birthday baby" He said coming closer to me kissing me passionetly on the lips. I kissed back, not realizing we were making out.

"Whoooo" Chaz and Ryan whistled making me blush.

"Whoah my girl got a car?" Justin said touching it.

"Yep she did" I said smiling. Ryan walked up to my car admiring its beauty.

"Hot ride princess" A voice said from behind us 4.


A/N - woahhh derrr.

Question Time!

1) Who do you think the voice was?

2) What do you think Justin got Ariana for her birthday?

3) Do you think her party will be a fun feista or a drama disaster?

Thanks for reading guys♥

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