Chapter 31

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"Truth or Dare?" Ryan asked me while we all sat on the floor in a circle. I thought about the option.

"Truth" I said smiling as everyone watched me.

"Ok, is it true you were pregnet at age 14" Ryan asked raising an eyebrow. Everyone gasped looking at me.

"what the hell? no" I laughed throwing a pillow at him. Ryan gazed at Macy flashing a smile.

"My turn" I chuckled looking for someone to pick. "Um Ryan" I said. His eyes lit up. " Truth or Dare?"

"Truth" He said crossing his arms.

"Is it true you like Macy?" I raised an eyebrow with a smirk attatched to my face. Ryans face fell at my words as his face turned a bright red.

"Aww you do" Jenna cooed.

"Maybe i do" He winked at Macy as she blushed madly.

"You guys should date" I said smiling still.

"We dont know anything about each other" Macy pointed out.

"Then go on a date" Justin blurted out making me smile. Maybe i liked him a little more? Maybe..

"Ok tomorrow at 7"? Ryan asked her making me grin.

"Sure" She chuckled. I squealed making everyone laugh.

"Yay" I said continuing to smile.

"So Chaz do you like Jenna?""I winked making his eyes go wide.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He whined with a chuckle while shoving his face into a pillow.

"Answer the question man" Justin said laughing.

"Maybe" He blushed as Jenna blushed aswell. "I dont know much about her, but shes the prettiest girl ive seen" Chaz winked.

"WOAH DER CHAZZY" Ryan said acting like a hipster. I bursted into laughter.

"Go on a date" Max said

"Ok" Jenna smirked

"Tomorrow at 7 babe" He licked his lips making me chuckle.

"Wait when do you guys go back to LA?" I asked Max, Jenna, and Macy.

"Next Monday. Were here until spring break is over. Were staying in a h-" Macy got cut off.

"No your staying here" I chuckled.

"Oh my god really? Yay! Thanks Ari" Jenna squealed.

"Its nothing. I missed you guys so much" I said not noticing tears filling in my eyes. We all hugged.

A night with my bestfriends♥

Jason's POV-

"Hey McChann" Eli's voice boomed through the house making my heart stop.

"What?" I spat not being in the mood. Was i ever? He didnt answer me so i walked downstairs to see what was up.

"What bro?" I asked him.

"The cops are on to us" He spoke.

"What?!" I panicked.

"They found out about the bombing at Alex's and their questioning us" Jacob said with his jaw tightning. "

"They have no proof" I said proving. point.

"But they do have records" Ben paused. "They've seen what we done. Who wouldnt question us"?

"Well what do we do?" I asked.

"I GOT IT!" Jacob blurted out drawing all our attentions to him.

"We let the cops come here for questioning and then we kill them. We'll throw their bodies out in the river and no one will know a thing" He said smirking.

"I like how you think" Eli smirked aswell.

"Sounds like a plan" I smiled.


Ariana's POV-

"So Ari what job did your dad get?" Max asked while he helped me pick up the empty cups over the house.

"He's a cop now" I said calmly.

"Oh cool. Thats a good job" He said throwing out the collected cups.

"Yea i just worry sometimes. Knowing hes always in danger" I stated. It did worry me a lot knowing my father was always as risk.

"He'll be fine. Your fathers a smart man" He smiled.

"Yea he is" I smiled.

"Well thats the last of the garbage" Ryan said clapping his hands together.

"Thanks everyone for helping me clean up" I said smiling. They all nodded.

"So who wants to watch a movie?" I suggested.


A/N- 5.4 k reads. omg thankyou so much! I hope your all enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions on what to write, leave a comment.

So what do you guys think? Do you like Jariana or Jarison ? What do you thinks gonna happen?

If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask♥ Thanks for reading!

more tomorrow! x emily

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