It Started Again Chapter 10

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Sam' s POV

"Fuck you Aleks! You took it when 'WaterMelonLoad' gave it to me!"

"Come get it motherfucker!"

Aleks and I had been playing GMod maps for about an hour. I thought he wasn't gonna be a dick considering what happened at the FroYo place, I was wrong. Back to his old ways in a matter of 30 minutes.

"ALEKS GIVE ME THE FUCKING GUN! IM NOT KIDDING ANYMORE!" I was getting irritated at this point, wanting to stab him constantly then going to his house and punch him. Just when I thought he was changing, I was fucking wrong.

"Hehehe...." I heard Aleks giggle. I could see him on Skype on my second monitor and he was giggling like a fucking idiot. "You REALLY want that gun, huh?" "Yes, I fucking do!"

Even a fucking simple game like GMod (which I still play because I love it, don't judge) can be turned in a screaming mess.

"Then, come get it. Im sorry......I have it right here." "Thank you.....?"
I was suspicious. If he was being serious or I should log out of GMod and start cussing him out through Skype. I walked my player over to where he was and waited.

"Can I please have the damn gun?" I asked looking at my second monitor which he was already looking at. Skype that is. He smirked and

'BOOM' He planted a grenade and ran.

"FUCK YOU ALEKSANDR MARCHANT!" I logged out. This is how we start fighting, which usually results in one of us going to the others house making the argument more heated.

"What? Pussy can't stand a little death with a grenade?" He smirked and let a little 'huff' through his nose. I always hated people saying that word, and he knew it to. I would say it on occasion;but only to be disgusted by it slipping through my lips. I was furious, livid, pissed beyond belief!

"GO FUCK YOURSELF! I THOUGHT YOU CHANGED! OBVIOUSLY ALL THE SHIT YOU SAID TO ME TODAY WAS A LIE! FUCK YOU ALEKSANDR!" I shut off my Skype. Now waiting for him to come to my house and starting yet ANOTHER fight. But after 3 minutes;he never showed. Surprised and kinda disappointed he didn't come over to yell at me and when to get a drink.

'Knock Knock' Nevermind, he's just late.

I got a Pepsi and went to open the door.
"What the fu-" I cut off my own sentence but seeing not Aleks, but Kylie. "Oh......hello!" I smiled and she gave a slight chuckle. "Hey! Im Kylie as you might know....."

I hand gestured for her to come inside but she just shook her head no. "Im here to James' hoodie, he left it here he said." "Oh yea! Ill go get it!" I went to go his hoodie off the guest room bed and only returned to see Liv and Kylie yelling at each other.



It went on and on for a good 3 minutes until I decided to stop them.

"Girls! GiRlS! damnit! GIRLS!"
That got they're attention.

"I leave for 1 fucking minute and y'all are ready to pull out each others piercings! What in the he-"

"Excuse me but can I just have his fucking jacket and leave? Thanks!" She gave a cocky smile (you dirty fucks will think a different way <3) and left.

"What the hell happened Liv?!" She was walking upstairs to her room and I grabbed her wrist. "She started it......thats all you need to fucking know!" Her wrist slipped out of my hand and I followed her to her room. She shut the down in my face and I heard her plop on her bed.

I banged on the door, I wanted to know what happened. "LIV! LIV! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" "NO! FUCK OFF! I DONT NEED TO ANSWER TO YOU! YOUR NOT MY MOTHER!" "I'm not but your acting like a brat......"

I heard her get up stomping over to the door. "What the fuck did you call me?!" Her eyes were narrowed and her eyebrows furrowed. "A fucking brat!" I answered her question smirking after. "Fuck you!" She pushed me slightly and I pushed her back slightly as well. "Dont fucking push me you ass!" "I would not have done it if you didn't do it first!" She slammed the door in my face and she turned up her music.

She's literally acting like a 15 year old bitch.

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