Bunny Fun Chapter 16

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James' POV

"Hey Jordan? Ya ready for this year?"

I stood in Jordan's office doorway holding bunny ears and the basket from last year. "Oh man, when exactly is this happening?" "Now! Get your ass up and ready!" I threw the ears at him and went to go collect the other bunnies.

"Ooooohhh Dex!" I hopped my way towards his office and waited for him to answer. "Yes James?" I showed him the ears and he got up and took them. "Alright, let's do this shit...." "We have to get Seamus and Aleks to, Bunny Dex." I elbowed him and walked towards Seamus as he went to go get Aleks.

I hummed a toon and knocked on his door. "Yo, Seamus, wanna be a bunny?" "What?" "Wanna join in the Easter egg hunt?"

He looked at his screen then at his schedule. "Sure! Why not?"

We all met in the sitting area and I grabbed the camera. "You guys ready?" They nodded yes and I turned on the camera. "Alright well Jordan are you ready for another Easter egg hunt with some other bunnies?" I turned the camera towards the others then back on Jordan. "SHIT! I need to go get someone, hold up!" Dex ran to Liv's office and then Sam' s.

He came back with the girls wearing purple and pink bunny ears. "Can they join?" I sighed. It's not like I don't want them to, it's just that, I just wanted the traditional one. Just guys. But Dex and Liv went on a date and now Dex is more head over heels for her than ever. "Sure...."

Aleks was staring at Sam like she was some goddess. Dex was doing the same to Liv. I was happy at the fact that in 2 days Aleks and Sam will have to be in the same area to watch Ein. Everyone, except them, know how they feel about each other. Even though they haven't told everybody.

"Alright, ya bunnies ready?," I pointed the camera at Jordan. "Yea, wait is there poop?" "No, there is no poop!" "Are you lying?" "No Dex I'm not lying."

-(A/N) I didn't get to watch the hold video because my YT has been being a bitch ;-; so I made up the next part-

Sam' s POV

"Aleks stop poking me please." The hunt was done and now we were just sitting in Aleks' office. He giggled and kept going. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to 'Div' as I would call it. They were acting like the damn heart eye emojis.

Jordan had gone back to work along with James. Aleks was still poking me. I was used to him annoying me at this point. Liv and Dex kept moving closer to each other. It was quiet, all that was heard was the shuffling of 'Div' moving closer and Aleks' slight giggling as he poked me. I finally broke the silence. "You guys wanna go back to me and Liv's place?"

"Um, sure..." Dex smirked. Well good thing we have alcohol.
"Yea, I guess." Aleks replied. "Ok i'll go collect my stuff and get on going, alright?" I looked at Liv who had a smirk as well.

Son of a bitch wants to get laid.

I walked out of my office and grabbed my stuff, put on my coat and waited for Liv. "Hey you think tomorrow we can check up on Kev?" "Yea, totally." We walked out to the car and began a conversation on how Spencer left 'Panic! At The Disco'. "I still can't believe it! I'm bewildered at the fact he left!" Liv explained and raised her hands up to show her astonishment. "I know right? Everyone is leaving bands...."

"What about Zayn?" "What about him?" "Didn't he lie to Directioners and everyone saying 'he wanted a normal life' or some shit? Then goes on some solo career?" I huffed at the fact he lied. I don't even like 1D and I find that annoying. "Yea that's kinda fucked up." She nodded in agreement and we pulled into the driveway. We waited outside for the boys to show up.

One Thing Is For Sure-ImmortalHD FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora