This Isnt A Dream Chapter 23

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Before we start I just wanted to ask you guys to and comment and shit because I feel like this book is going no where. Comments are wanted.

Liv's POV

I sighed and leaned against the door frame. That fucking scene just gave me a headache. I felt a pair of hands go around my waist and guessed it was Dex.

"That was.....interesting!"

I smiled and nodded.

"You wanna come back to my place? Aleks is coming back."

"I'm the one who caused him to have a panic attack. I don't know. Won't he be mad at me?"

I nodded no and he said yes to coming over.

"You ready?" Sam said as she was leaving Aleks' office with Aleks behind her. "Yup, Dex is coming back as well!"

Sam rolled her eyes. Probably mad at him for causing Aleks to gave a break down.

We all walked back to the car in silence. All you could hear was dogs barking and crickets chirping.

I got in the back with Dex and Aleks got in the passenger seat while, obviously, Sam got in the drivers seat.

"You can pick the radio station Aleks." Sam said as she buckled her seat belt. I was surprised since Sam usually wants control over the radio.

I felt Dex grab my hand and I smiled at him.

As Aleks was changing stations and Sam was humming to like every song that came on, Dex had leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Maybe we should invite over the whole gang?" "I don't know. This is Sam's opportunity to say something to Aleks."

"You know Jordan likes her. right?"



What the fuck

What the hell

"What?!" He put on finger on my mouth meaning keep my mouth shut.

"Why are you so surprised back there?" Sam said.

"Dex just kept saying my name in my ear. No worries!" I lied and gave Sam a smile.

We arrived at our house and we all got out.

Sam locked the car and started to walk to the house to unlock it.

Jordan and Sam I could sorta imagine but I wanted Aleks and Sam and so did Sam.

"You guys want Vodka?"

"Depends. Is it mint or gingerbread?" I said as Sam looked through our little cabinet filled with alcohol.

"Mint." "That will do."

I got the glasses out and tossed Dex the remote.

"Find something entertaining to watch you goon. Aleks has to agree as well."

"Nah, he can choose whatever. I'm just gonna be on my phone."

"Alright. Don't complain when he puts Harry Potter on then!"

Sam and I poured the vodka in the glasses. Sam held 2 and I held 2.

I gave one to Dex and Sam gave one to Aleks.

Dex' s POV

I surfed through the channels until I noticed Breaking Bad was on. "Lets just watch this! Everything else is pretty shitty."

"I saw The Walking Dead was on. That's not shitty!" Sam said.

"Like I said. Everything was shitty."
TWD is actually a decent show I just wanted to mess with her.

She punched me in the arm and sipped her vodka.

Aleks had nuzzled into Sam's arm and she sat there smiling.

Ya know, I really like the beautiful goon sittin' next to me. I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend so fucking bad.

She's amazing!

"We should invite over the crew!" Liv said as she started to pick up her phone off the table.

"They're probably asleep!" Sam said as she moved a little causing Aleks to get up. "James is tweeting" I pointed out. "So is Jordan."

"I mean, if they wanna they can." Sam got up and went into her room. Aleks following. I smirked at Aleks and he flicked me off.

Sam's POV

Jordan and James might be coming over. Ugh. I actually didn't mind James but Jordan and I almost kissed tonight. It's gonna be so awkward. I got up from the couch and went to my room to change.

I usually keep my shirt on to save myself the hassle but I wanted to change into a long shirt.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door so I got up to see. I was still fully dressed so it didn't matter.

I opened my door to see Aleks looking really nervous. "You ok?" I said and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

My jaw dropped and I stared at him.

So many thoughts right now.

Say yes. He's good for you. He really is.

Fuck it!

"Yes!" I hugged him. I then kissed him.

This is a dream. Right?

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