Exes Chapter 18

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Sam's POV

I was sitting outside playing with Ein while Aleks was trying to get her to pay attention to him. "Ein! Come here!" He clapped his hands and was motioning for her to come to him. "She doesn't wanna play with you Aleks!" I giggled and he stuck his tongue out. She just walked away and inside. "Well, she's not coming to either one of us now! Nice going Sam!" "Oh shut up!"

I walked inside and saw Ein trying to reach her snacks. "Ein! Get down, you could get hu-" I heard a knock on the door and went to go answer it but Aleks got to it before me.

"Yes? May I help you?" Aleks said. "Im looking for a friend of yours." The voice sounded familiar which made me sorta scared. "James or Kylie isn't here but ill tell them you dropped by." "No, not them, Samantha."

That's when I realized it was my ex from high school and elementary school. Fuckboy Victor who hurt me severely, mentally at least. I gasped. I was in shock. I couldn't feel my arms or my legs. I never thought I'd see him again. "Sam, just listen to me!" I fell to the ground. I wouldn't call it overreacting considering he was the one that made me fall back in depression and all that shit. I didn't wanna fucking see him. "Sam? SAM!?" I heard Aleks shouting but I didn't, ya know what I mean? Aleks looked at Victor and pushed him away from the doorway. "Hold on wa-!" The door slammed shut.

"Sam? Are you alright?!" Everything was blurry so I did a half smile. "Who was that? Why'd you have a panic attack from him?" "He-he was m-my ex, Victor. The o-one who made-made me go back into d-d-depression." Aleks' eyes widen and he cradled me. I didn't know whether to be happy or feel awkward, so I just sat there. All the sudden Ein starts barking like crazy towards the back door. Aleks puts me down and I feel cold without his arms I guess.

All the sudden I hear screaming and the dog barking louder, which I didn't think was possible. I decide to get up to see and wow I should've known who it was. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" "NO GO FUCK YOURSELF! THINKING YOUR GONNA TAKE MY GIRL!"

His girl???!!! Victor hell to the no.

"YOUR FUCKING GIRL? NO JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!" And then I heard a loud thud and saw Aleks on the ground. Victor standing there with balled up fists with white knuckles. His dark brown hair was a mess. All tangle up, probably from running his hand through his hair. I used to love that man- no he's not even a man he's a boy who hurt my friend.

"GET THE HELL OUT! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Aleks was knocked out on the kitchen floor. He had a bloody nose and buster lip. His whole right side was defiantly bruised. "Sam, let me explain!" "No, I don't wanna know how you found me and I'm not fucking let you explain after you knocked out my friend! Get out or I'm calling the cops!" I dragged to the front door just so he didn't camp out in the back. I pushed him and slammed the door. "ILL CALL THE FUCKING POLICE VICTOR! GET OUT!"

I ran over to Aleks and cupped my hands around his face. "Aleks wake up! Wake up!" I was contemplating in whether to call the hospital. Then there was a fucking knock on the door. I grabbed the phone and made my way towards the door. "Victor go-" "I'm obviously not Victor, if that's who you were screaming at. I'm James' neighbor and wanted to see what the hell was going on! Rachel, by the way."

I started to cry and grabbed her hand and dragged her into the kitchen. " I pointed towards Aleks as if it wasn't obvious. "Oh my! Call the hospital, he doesn't look so swift!" I panicked and totally forgot the number. "911 sweetie." I nodded and dialed the number. "Hello yes my um, boyfriend was assaulted by my ex and is not verbal and he had a busted nose and lip and his uh, whole right side is bruised."

"Ma'am, how did this happen?"

I had hitched breaths and needed a second.

"My ex, jumped my friends fence and started arguing with my boyfriend and punched him and ran!"

"Do you want us to send an ambulance?" "YES! Please!"

I gave then James' address and called everyone telling them what happened and they said they'd be here soon. Except James and Kylie, they'd meet us the hospital. Seamus and Ash were the first and then the ambulance. They had a stretcher and they ran in picking him up. I told them what happened and now everyone was here. Rachel was still here to.

"He's gonna be ok sweetheart!" I hadn't really taken a look at her until now. She looked to be in her early 50s but her blonde hair looked gorgeous and looked good for, I'm guessing, her age. "We have to start driving now, well you guys do." "You're not gonna come?"

"Why would I?" Her voice was gentle, like an old lady's. "You helped him, you got the wash cloth well I stood there panicking and looking away because of the blood...." I chuckled. "Come back when he's out of the hospital." "I promise and thank you so much. Sam by the way and that was Aleks."

She nodded and left. "We should get going." Liv said as she pointed to the door. "Yea.." We got in our cars and drove to the hospital. I was alone thinking about how this was basically my fault.

Everything goes to hell because of me

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