Yes Chapter 19

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Aleks' POV

I was arguing with Victor, telling him to leave or there's gonna be bigger problems. This was the dude Sam talked about when I said I wasn't listening all those times.

"Just fucking leave! I'll fucking escort you if you want!" "I'm not here for you dipshit!" "The person you're here for doesn't wanna see your face EVER AGAIN!"

I felt a sharp pain on the jaw. I heard screams and cusses and I was out like a light.

Kevin's POV

I got a call from James saying Aleks had been knocked out and sent to the hospital. I panicked and grabbed my sneakers and kissed Hox. "Don't worry, I left some food out!"

I walked out into the hallway and locked my door and bolted. I got into my car with one thought.

Who the fuck hurt my best friend that severe he's in the hospital!?


Jordan's POV

Sam,James and myself were at the hospital in Aleks' room. The others hit traffic apparently. He looked so fragile and usually Aleks is this "YEA I'LL EFF YOU UP" type of person. I almost wanted to shed a tear seeing my best friend like this.

James had his head in his hands and Sam looked so, emotionless but at the same time showed a bunch of them. She was just holding his hand and looked at his shut eyes.

"WE'RE HERE!" I heard Liv shout. Liv,Stefani, Spencer, both Joes, Aron and Kevin. Where's Seamus and Ash?

"Where's Seam-" Liv interrupted me, "They had more personal issues to take care of and said he needs to talk to us all tomorrow." Sly said the same thing when he left......

Livs POV


I stared at Sam who was staring at Aleks who looked weak and so beat, well he did get knocked out so. "How ya doing? You know none of this is your fault right?" She the chair around towards me. "No, it is. I'm a drama magnet. And it seems to fuck with everyone around me."

His whole left side was swollen and his eye was a mess. They cleaned up most of the blood but it was still terrible to look at. I was surprised at Sam who hates seeing even a little blood, she was fine, no "FUCK IT'S BLOOD!" and fainting. There was a knock on the door and I turned to see the doctor.

Sam seemed to brighten up a bit. "Wow, Aleksandr has a lot of friends! Did one of you beat him up?" He tried making a joke to lighten the mood buuuuttttt it didn't work. Just crickets.

"Whoever hit him did a good job. Stitches are much needed and his jaw looks broken but we'll need an x-ray to make sure". Aleks started moving his hands and then his eyes blinked open. I nudged Sam who was looking at the ground. She nearly jumped right into his bed she was so happy. It's amazing how she can go from "hating" him to nearly tackling him after he woke up from getting knocked out.

Aleks looked very confused. He looked at the doctor then at us, then the doctor then us. "Am I dying?" I giggled but Sam didn't so I scratched my arm and looked down.

"Ah yes you're awake! Ok well I'm Dr.Davidson and no you're not dying you were just knocked out, from a very good hit to the left jaw."

Sams POV


His eyes flickered open and I nearly jumped on him! I was filled with joy to know he's "alright".

The doctor explained himself and how Aleks isn't dying. "Ok well how much of this accident do you remember?" "Well first, wasn't an accident and second I remember Sam's ex not leaving the property after I told him to leave because Sam had a panic attack and shit so we argued and he hit me."

I cringed at hearing his paragraph of words. "You seem like a good boyfriend handling your girlfriends drama like that!" I widened my eyes and some giggled. Aleks blushed and said, "No Dr.Davidson we're uh, not together! Just friends."

"Friends", ouch that hurt more than I thought.

"Oh well I'm sorry about that. Was anyone there to witness this besides Sam?" They shook their heads no. Great, I must explain now.

I explained what happen and the doctor left soon after.

"How are feeling?" James asked Aleks. "Like I got sucker punched to the left jaw." He fiddled with the IV tube running into his arm. I smile at his humor. Even in the worst situations he makes me smile. It's sad we're only becoming friends these past 2 weeks. I mean we laughed because of each other before that and hung out but it always resulted in fights and cuss words flying out of our mouthes.

Maybe this problem will help us be closer.

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