I Actually Like Your Presence Chapter 8

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Sam' s POV

Ok, well James is pissed at Liv and I couldn't help her after work because I was gonna hang out with Aleks.

I walked over to James' office and figured maybe after me and Aleks are done me, him, and Liv could hang out. (Even though they're not on the good side today).

"Hey James....wanna hang out after I get back from we and Aleks' hang out sesh?" He looked at me saddened and disappointed. "Um......no I'm actually going out with Kylie today....." I pursed my lips and nodded sadly. "Its ok....."

He didn't even ask about Aleks. That surprised me! I walked back to my office getting stopped by Seamus. "Hey Sam, do ya mind helping me with this? I had an edit problem and I don't know what the fuck happened!" He lifted his arms in disbelief. "Oh yea sure! Let me see!"

I looked at his screen........what the fuck happened? "Um....." He just stared at me like I was some editing goddess. In which I kinda was, I'm pretty fucking good at editing. "OH! I see! You over lapped this part with this part causing it to scramble the words around!"

"Thanks! I didn't know what happened I just knew I fucked up!" I nodded and walked quickly to my office not wanting to get stopped because I wanted to get work done before works day over.

*Time skip to end of day*

I had my stuff packed up for home and I just a lot of editing done, including some recordings for my channel! I was pretty proud of myself.

"You ready Liv?" I was waiting for her in her office, she was moving slower than usually because of her distressed day. She sighed and stood up putting on her 5sos hoodie and left her office. I followed her but I squealed when I was grabbed by the arm. "Oh....hey Hordan! You scared the shit out of me!" "Yea, I noticed! How much editing did you get done? I hope you got CreatureTopia edited!" I widened my eyes realizing that was the only fucking thing I didn't get done. "Oh yea! Totally! I'll you it tomorrow!" "Good, ok bye Sam! Bye Liv!"

"BYE EVERYONE!" I screamed and Liv was already on the stairs. "HURRY THE FUCK UP!" I chuckled and walked out and down the stairs. "So.......what are you gonna do well I'm with Aleks?" She shrugged her shoulders and just walked to the car. "You wanna drive? It always seems to make you happier!" I gave her a big smile hoping it would cheer her up. "No......I'm good." I gasped at the fact she said no to driving the car. She loves driving the car! "Are you sick or some shit?! You love driving the car!" "Yea....I-I know..... I'm just not in the mood." My jaw dropped as I walked into the drivers seat of the car.

"Wanna listen to the radio?" I asked as I reached my arm to turn it on. She didn't reply so I just turned it on and 1D coming on. "FUCK NO!" We both screamed and I turned it to rock and roll and soon AeroSmith comes on. We start head banging and soon the song is over and were home.

We got out and I noticed Liv seemed a little happier than when we got in the car. I checked the time.


Shit! I have 30 minutes! "Shit! I'm gonna go get ready!"

I ran upstairs nearly tripping as Liv snickered behind me. I turned around and flipped her off and she did the same to me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. All I need to do is fix my makeup and hair. I took this seriously because my crush/enemy basically asked me out!

I looked at the time. 6:26! SHIT!

"IM LEAVING!" I screamed as I ran out to the car not even giving Liv time to say "GOOD LUCK!" or "DONT FUCK ON THE FIRST DATE!" I needed to go! I drove to the place and immediately saw Aleks' car. I walked in and saw Aleks at a corner table. I waved and he motioned to sit.

"Hello!" I said as I walked over to the table. "Hello beautiful!" He said back making me blush like fucking crazy. "Man, I have to give you credit! You remembered my favorite frozen yogurt place and you haven't insulted me yet!" He giggled and gave a small sigh. "Well thanks......I think! I've been wanting to not seem like such a dick but......I still feel really fucking guilty about yesterday ya know? I'm sorry for everything I have done and said in the past. I wish I could go back and change everything!" I was bright red at this point, hands shaking like all hell.

"I guess....I-I forgive you! That was very sincere and I'm very thankful for the words just spoken. It was 2 years of insults thrown at me every time I breathed! I thought you hated my guts!" He was smiling pretty damn big at this point making me smile like an idiot. "You wanna go get some yogurt now?" He asked pointing to the flavors. "Hell yea!" We giggled and walked up to the counter. He decided on strawberry with whip cream and peanut butter chunks and I got a blueberry with kiwi (hehe) and almonds. We chatted and talked about our channels until he came up with a sensitive topic which made me stop giggling and smiling.

"So Sam......why are you depressed anyway? You don't have to answer! No stress!" I just stared and finally decided to tell him. I had told the other boys and he was the only one who didn't know why. "Well......I-I've always been insecure about how I looked so that was just the start of it, then my dad started being the biggest dick on the planet when I was in 3rd grade and it got really bad......then through out the years it just got worse......I started to cut in 4th grade not knowing what in the hell I was doing! Then my body image to me and still is terrible so I became belimic (idk how to spell it sorry) but soon stopped because of stomach pains and then I thought I was getting better......then sixth grade came and thinking it was getting easier left my head completely!" He seemed to understand, like he had gone through the same thing. He took a bite of his frozen yogurt and spoke.

"I just wanna say first of all, your hot as fuck and I'm sorry your going through so much or have fine through so much. I had seen your scars the day I met you and I didn't know how to react-" I stopped him. "Is that why you were such a dick to me the first day I met you?" He seemed surprised and almost mad I had asked him that, thinking he would stoop to that low. "OH MMY GOD NO!" He basically screamed causing people to look at us. "That's not why at all! I thought you had a crush on James and um," He scratched the back of his neck. "I was jealous because I thought you were really pretty and Olivia as well, I didn't want James to date you so for some reason I decided to be a dick to you.....I know it makes no sense but I did it anyway......" His words drifted off. My head was spinning. Did he just admit to having a crush on me? "Well like that's a stupid reason.......didyoujustadmittohavingacrushonme?" I said super fucking fast. "Um.......I don't know.....maybe." It suddenly became awkward.

"We should go pay!" I said pulling out my wallet. Aleks stopped my hand from pulling out any money. "No no! Ill pay!" "But Aleks you treated me to this! I should pay!" He shook his head no and stood to pay.

I grabbed my hoodie along with him and walked outside. "Hey Sam, do you enjoy being around me?" "Well yea...I wouldn't be here if I didn't! Dipshit!" I laughed as I said the last word.

"Good......because one thing is for sure.......I enjoy your presence!" I blushed and he hugged me. I thanked him for the amazing date. He blushed when I said date by accident.

I drove home thinking about what just happened.

Damn dude......I think I'm in love!

This took me so fucking long ermagod

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