Why Would You Say That? Chapter 3

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Sam' s POV

I got as much work done as I could, filmed some Sims 3 and some anime games I had found. I'm not that big on YouTube,same with Liv. We both had around 200,000 subs. I was known as 'ClassicSquishy' and she was known as 'DartedBunnyLiv'.

I was trying to find a GMod game for tomorrow but was interrupted by Aleks.

"Ugh, what do y-" "You know it's pretty stupid to record shitty anime games? No wonder your not on our level of YouTubering!"

I look at him pain in my eyes but I was furious! Plus I'm pretty sure 'YouTubering' isn't a word. "Aleks shut the fuck up! All you record is shitty simulators and CS:GO!" And it started, the cussing each other out, the hurt slurs coming from our mouths. I wanted to kiss him but I also wanted to punch him in the nuts.

He finally screamed something I'd never thought, even him would go to such an extreme. "YOUR JUST A DEPRESSED BITCH! GO FUCK YOURSELF SAM CUZ NO ONE WANTS YOUR JUNK BY THEIRS YOU SLUT!" I stared at him. I was even furious I was ashamed, upset.....I didn't know what to do.

He realized the words that left his mouth. He had wide eyes. I didn't even realize James behind him and Olivia was standing in the corner. I just broke. I was ashamed at myself for looking up to Aleks all these years, him helping me through my depression early on. Tears streamed down my face. I thought back to when we first met.

It felt like an honor to be breathing the same air. Now it sickens me. Makes me think poison from his dreadful mouth flooded the air. Everything I had thought of him all gone. The room kept spinning. It was two sentences that changed everything. James was yelling at Aleks. Everyone was by my office. I hated the attention. I wanted to go home and lay with my dog. I didn't wanna be here.

"Sam? Yo, babe get out of your dazed world! Earth to Sam?" I snapped back into reality. "I......do-" I was cut off my seeing Aleks get yelled at across the hall. I had no words. Liv understood she had been in this place before. Insulted in such tragic words.

"Sam don't stare it will make you feel worse" She grabbed my arms and walked me out of the office and into the lobby. I couldn't help but think "I wish Sly was here."

We sat on the chairs in the lobby. I seemed so dazed I only got a few of Liv's words. "Just....you......Im so......" I just drifted off. I don't know it hit me like a truck. I had nothing to say, I just stared out the window.

James' POV

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING?! YOU WERE ONE OF THE PEOPLE SHE LOOKED UP TO FOR SO MANY YEARS!! YIU HELPED IN THE EARLY STAGES OF DEPRESSION YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" The words left my mouth with no regret. I didn't know if he was listening because he was just staring out the window. "I......I was pissed...."

"PISSED?! THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER!" They always ended up in a cursing storm but never to this extreme. I know Sam didn't like the attention all on her, even if what ever just happened was hurtful towards her. My phone buzzed. I glared over at my phone. Seeing it was from a girl I've been seeing named Kylie. Gorgeous and such a funny girl.

I looked it said 'What ya up to? 💞" I stared but paid my attention back at Aleks. He finally turned around. "James, my head had a 1,000 things going through it! I don't know I feel like shit!" With that he ran out of my office. 'Prick'.

Sorry it's short it's 1:30am .-.

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