She Looks So Perfect Chapter 12

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Ash's POV

I kept on looking at Sam and Liv, Sam whom was just focusing on the game and her music and Liv who was really just focusing on the game. "FUCKING FUCK YEA!" Sam screamed and pulled her headphones out so we could here the music. "THAT IM SO DOWN! YOUR LIPSTICK STAIN IS A WORK OF ART!" Her and Liv shouted at the top of their lungs. I giggled and paid attention to my boyfriend who was facepalming.

"Girls.......can we just play?" Seamus said pointing to his little green car on the board. The song ended and they sat down and giggled but I could still feel the tension in the room. Sam blasted her music causing us to hear it. "ALL TEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME" Blasted she just smirked and spun the wheel. Seamus his head bobbed a little and Liv sang along quietly.

"FUCK! I HAVE 3 STUPID KIDS! FUCK YOU SOFIA!" Sam screamed referring to 'her child' and the fact she had to send 'her kids' to summer school. "Well.....I mean they learn from the best!" "Shut the hell up Seamus....."

~Time Skip like 20 minutes~

James' POV

I drove to Sam and Livs house miffed that a fight broke out with Liv and Kylie.

I got there and knocked super fucking hard. I waited about 25 seconds and was greeted by Liv. "Hey James!" She smiled and tried to hug me but pushed her off causing everyone to give me a strange look. " me and favor and stop fucking with my relationship! It's all I asked,really!" "What.....?"

"Don't act stupid Liv! I know that YOU caused the fight with Kylie!" I flung my hands up in anger almost hitting Liv. "Woah! Watch where your swinging your fucking hands!" I rolled my eyes and welcomed myself in. "James,this is not the time to fight! Settle it later or whatever!" Seamus said getting up and walking towards the door. "Shit.........I don't think your in this problem! Back the fuck up!" I spat at him. Everyone broke. Screaming,cussing and middle fingers up every 3 seconds. "SHUT UP!"

Kylie screamed behind me everyone looking at her.

She walked up us with fury. Well shit.

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