Fury:Chapter 13

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I figured with all the drama that you guys deserve some music so here :-)))))

Kylie's POV

"SHUT UP!" I shouted over all the bickering going on. "Thank you!" I says quietly but loud enough so they could hear.

"Now........I didn't want James to do this by the way.......but I find it sweet that he did," I saw Liv roll her eyes,what the hell is that girls problem? "But,why are you yelling?" I put my hand on my hip and looked around at the people in front of me.

"Well.....I think it's pretty obvious,me and James got into an argument about our argument which led Seamus to butt in because of things being said and done! If your that stupid to not realize that James was fighting over his precious girlfriend......i can't wait to see what will happen when your dating for more than 3 days and boys flirt with you!"

"Exc-" I was about to bash her out but she kept going. "Hold up blabber mouth! But I mean I don't know if any other boy with flirt with you......your a pretty girl but once they get to know you......that goes out the window!" She leaned against the wall and smirked,like she had accomplished something by bashing me. I was furious! Determined to destroy this girl! Sam seemed nice,but Liv! Son of a bitch..........shes jealous of something!

"Listen Olivia! You really need to shut the fuck up! You must be jealous or some shit because I did nothing for you to leak me and James,no reason to bash on me and no fucking reason to constantly start shit with me! Get your priority straight or I might have to make it straight for you!" I spat in her face and walked away towards the car when she yelled, "FIGHT ME AT PAX!" She snickered and the smirk never left her face.

The thing with Liv is,this is not how James described her as. The one he said that was right about her at the current moment is that she's beautiful. She isn't caring,funny,and loving like he said. That really disappointed me because I really wanted to get along with her.

"Hey......maybe we should just head back to my place." James said to me as he walked towards me and put his arm around my waist. I felt my cheeks go red but a sudden burst of fury flooded me. "YO LIV! MAYBE I WILL FIGHT YOU AT PAX!" I yelled. Considering its in less than a month,it could happen. I laughed and got in the car.


Ok yea ILYSM <3 <3 <3

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