In My Eyes Chapter 21

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Sam's POV

It's been 4 days since Aleks basically asked me out and I basically said no. I know he thinks he's over it but when someone mentions her, such as Kevin, he gets all sad eyes and he looses the glow in his eyes. Maybe if he starts a new relationship he'll get over it.


Liv screamed as she waved her hand in front of my face. I shook my head and said, "Hi Liv....." I was dead beat tired. Staying up for 4 days thinking about what Aleks said. Not to mention last night I was up till 5am because of fucking 5sos. At least I stayed up for a good reason.

"You're really fucking tired!" "Thanks Captain Obvious!"

She took a step back to represent my comment. "Are you going to the office today? James says he misses you."

James and Liv started to talk again since the situation. "Really? Thought he was too busy sucking Kylie's ass?!"

I love Kylie man but James has constantly been with her. "They broke up." Liv had a bright ass smile on her face. I choked on air. "WHAT? WHEN?!" "Like 2 days ago. He didn't wanna bother you because he knows you really like her, as a friend and all."

I was actually really upset they broke up. But I did notice Kylie had started talking to some Ed dude a lot. I love Kylie though. I'm defiantly gonna keep in contact with her!

"Do you know why they broke up?"

"Kylie has some things going on in her life. But she said once they're sorted out she wants to be 'his' again or some shit." Liv wasn't very happy about that.

"Oh, you seem very happy about that!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "I'm gonna get dressed."

As I walked to my room I thought about if I should go into the office today. I do miss the boys and Stefani. I haven't uploaded in 4 days. I watched Seamus' video and I'm dern sure gonna miss him. Aleks gets out of the hospital tomorrow. Shit.

I got undressed and put on some music. I brushed my hair and applied my makeup as All Time Low played. I put on a plain blue crop top and black high waisted shorts with a Pokémon belt. I put on my kitty leggings and combat boots. My hair was in a messy bun since I didn't really care about it that much, today at least. I grabbed my phone, purse, charger and some extra makeup. I left my room and waited for Liv.

"You're goin' today?" "Yuppers!"

She had her blue hair in a braid and she had on a All Time Low shirt, some black jeans (it's still kinda cold here in CO but I refuse to wear pants in the summer) and she had on her black converse. "Ready?" I nodded my head yes and she went down the stairs with me following. I said bye to our pets and we left.


"You know I'm gonna dye my hair soon right?" "WHAT?", Liv said in excitement. "NO MORE PURPLE?" "Lower your voice. I want it to be a surprise!" "Now I'm doing my hair!" Liv smirked.

We walked down the hall and I looked into Aleks' office. I widened my eyes at the sight in the chair. It was Aleks! Liv was as surprised as me and we just stared. "Oh, hey guys!" Aleks smiled. "Why are you here?! You're suppose to get out tomorrow!" Liv said as she entered his office and gave him a hug. I walked in but I could sense the awkwardness between us. Or maybe just me because Aleks just stared at me and smiled.

"I was let out early! The doctor said to just put ice on my face and eye 5 times a day and I'm on antibotics." I gave a fake smile and hugged him. I left his office with a lot more on my mind.

In my eyes, he is in more pain than he thinks.

(A/N: That's actually my eye in the picture ! Also comment more bc I'm thinking about ending this bc no one seems interested ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

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