You Fucked Up Chapter 4

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Liv's POV

I was hugging Sam as tightly as I could. She wasn't crying but she was just staring out the window. I heard a voice come from the steps, I looked up to see Spencer.

"Hey Sam are you ok?"
She just stared "Do you think helping with the skit will cheer you up?" Spencer was so sweet.

She perked up a little. She took my arms off of her and she walked with Spencer. Sam seemed to be happy talking to him. It seemed like the Aleks thing was a blur. I got up and walked to the office, I tripped going up the stairs though and the lobby lady giggled at me. Fucker.

I walked into my office walking past Sam and Spencer doing 'The Hub'. I looked around, no sign of Aleks.

I leaned against James' doorway like a "cool kid". "Hey James....where's the prick?" "I don't know! I yelled at him and he ran...." He got me wondering where he could be. Did he go home? I looked outside. His car is still there.

Did he just leave? Without any warning? Fucker didn't even say sorry. I wanted to nail him the face. The nuts as well. I heard the distant giggles from Sam and Spencer, it made me happy. I got to work. "Hey guys its me Liv....."

Sam' s POV

"Ok on this episode of the hub we....." I giggled at Spencer making stupid faces as I talked. "Damnit Spence! STOP!" I burst into laughter and him as well. He knew how to cheer me up, all of us up for a matter of fact. "Ok I promise ill stop!" He said between giggles. "Hey guys on this episode of the hub with update you on shit that has happened as we usually do. I guess we could go check out the fan mail part?" "See? I swore I wouldn't make a face!"

I smiled, but it soon faded remembering what happened today. I wondered where Aleks was. Did he go home?

"Hey....Sam....Aleks just said something fucked up! Dont let it hit you that hard!" My smile came back. "Thanks Spencer!" I hugged him and walked out. "Heyo Sam you okay?" It was Dan, he was sitting at his desk with his BatMan shit. I sighed louder than I thought I would. "Yea, I'm fine just a little you know where he escaped to?" "I don't know.....last I heard James yelled at him and he ran." I nodded. "Ok thanks Dan!"

I wanna talk to him and punch him in the face at the same time. I wanna cuss him but also make out with him. Fuck.

I soon heard the door slam and distant crying and nose blowing. I looked at Liv across the hall who heard it to. "Fuck". Was all I heard. Liv got back to working glaring every few seconds.

"I fucked up...." I knew it was Aleks. As much as I wanted to talk, I locked the door figuring he would try to talk to me. I looked up and saw a crying Aleks in Liv's office. It looked like he was screaming at her. I heard Liv scream some cusses and Aleks scream some cusses causing Hordan and Seamus to get up and tell then to shut up. Liv and Aleks still yelled over Seamus and Koots.

Why did he start to scream at her.....?
James got up the second time I looked. Kevin was now up. I decided to go see what was happening. I open my door to the cusses much louder than before.

"FUCK YOU OLIVIA!" "NAH IM GOOD GET YOUR NASTY DICK AWAY FROM ME!" "ALEKS! LIV STOP!" Hordan was screaming. James mumbling cuss words and then screamed "FUCKING SHUT UP EVERYONE!" They all did as they were told. I walked into her office now with the boys crowding her and Aleks. "What the fuck happened?" I asked a frown on my face. "I saw fucking saw this prick," I say pointing at Aleks. "Walk into her office and start yelling!" "THAT'S NOT.....what happened" Aleks lowered his voice. " Then what the fuck started this?" Kevin asked hands on his hips.

"Liv mumble 'fucker' as I walked by and we got into an argument!" "That's true! But you deserve to be called fucker, fucker!" They broke into another argument. Damnit.

I noticed Dan left along with Seamus. I wanted to leave but felt the need to stay. Koots and James yelled at them. Spencer just staring and soon pulled Aleks out of the room. Joe just stared, astonished by what just happened.

I look at Liv, almost angry but happy she argued with him like that. She smirked and crossed her arms like a 3rd grader after they just won a 'yo mama' joke war. I rolled my eyes, looked at Jordan and James and left. What the fuck happened to this place?

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