A Great Night Chapter 15

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Liv's POV

Holy actual shit.
Holy shit. Dexter Manning wants to date me?! Out of everyone he should have chosen, he picked a potato. He has a motherfucking crush on me. Oh My God.

Lindencrest Diner
Ok, Liv you got this. Fuck! What am I gonna wear?! "Sam!" "What?" "Help me pick clothes out for tonight, please?!" "FUCK YES!"

She ran up the stairs and busted through my door. "Now are you gonna wear a dress and Vans or jeans and Vans?" She walked over to my closet and pulled out one of my 3 dresses and one of my many pairs of black jeans. The dress was cute as fuck. It was strapless and it was black. It had a BatMan belt and it went down to my knees. Hot Topic is the shit man. The jeans were worn and had holes in the knees.

"I don't fucking know! The dress is perfect but the jeans are the shit man!" "True, I think the dress just to be a little classy tonight." "Do you have tights?" "Yea, I have plain black ones."

"Wear those with the black Vans." I nodded and she walked out to let me get changed. "I look hot." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. "I know right?" Sam walked in holding some
black shoelaces. "Are those because of my shitty ones? They're gonna replace these?" I said pointing towards my sneaker. "Yup! Get rid of those shitty laces and maybe clean up the sneakers. Are you gonna wear makeup?" "Well yea, it's the public we're going into!" I put on winged eyeliner and dark eyeshadow and some red lipstick. "Hot as fuck!" Sam said giving me an okay symbol with her hands. I smiled and checked the time.


Oh shit. "I gotta leave. Like now!" I grabbed my bag and ran. "USE PROTECTION!" "OK!" We're not having sex, maybe.

I hopped in my car and blasted music. I drove out of the driveway and down to the diner and I saw Dex waiting for me at the doors of the establishment. I waved and walked up to him. I was shaking. Blushing.

Dying inside. In a good way.
I guess.

"Hey Liv!" He smiled and opened the door for me. "Hello and thank you Dex!"

"How many?" The lady asked.

"2" Dex answered and the lady directed us towards our table. It was in the corner right by the bay. "Beautiful," I heard Dex say. "Just like you." I blushed and turned to face Dex. He was quite beautiful as well. Sexy in so many ways. I do have a crush on him. But for obvious reasons. He's actually a really sweet guy. "So how are you Dex?" "I'm pretty good, actually really good because I'm on a date with a beautiful girl." He is a charmer alright.

"Aw well, thank you." "How are you Liv?" "I'm doing good, I'm here with you, that makes me happy." I smiled and noticed the waitress coming over.

"Good evening my name is Jenny I will be serving you guys tonight. Anything to drink?" "I'll have a Orange Fanta." "Em, Pepsi Max please."

"Ok I'll be right back" She handed us menus and left into the kitchen. It was a little awkward, I mean I'm on a date with one of my best friends. Not really something I'm used to. I once dated my best friend when we were 11, that was a while ago though. "You look gorgeous Liv, like always though." I blushed and giggled. "Ditto to you Manning." Dex snickered and put down his menu so I could see him. "You know, I'm actually a football star." He was referring to the Manning brothers of football. Ya know Peyton Manning and his other brother or whatever. I laughed at his corny joke and said "You know, I'm actually part of the Hemmings family." Referring to my blue eyes and used to be, now blue, blonde hair. Yes I'm originally a blonde. "You and your fangirl jokes."

The waitress came over with our drinks and asked us if we were ready to order. Dex looked at me for approval and I nodded 'yes' and he ordered. "I'll have the seafood chicken platter but no dressing." She wrote it down and turned her attention towards me. "Eggplant squash dish please." We handed her out menus and she went back into the kitchen. "What's your channel up to these days?" I took a sip of my drink and thought about it for a second. "Well I have League of Legends going up, and BorderLands. I just started BattleField Hardline and it's pretty good so far. You?" "Well I've been playing Smash Brothers and trying to kill Septar Jr. some BattleField here and there."

What do I ask him next? We basically knew everything about each other. "So, why'd ya ask me on a date?" I froze. I wanted to say 'Well Sam made it seem like you asked me out' but I just said "Well a little birdie told me that you had a crush on me and told me to arrange something so I did and here we are!" "Yea I know, Seamus told me. I'm happy you agreed." He gave a smile and we continued our night talking a talking and soon it was time to leave.

"I had fun tine tonight Olivia." "Me too Dexter. Thanks for not declining me I guess." "I wouldn't decline you, don't worry."

He walked me to my car and we hugged and said our good nights. I drove home in a jolly mood listening to music. "don't stop believing......" I sang softly.

I finally got home and heard Sam making dinner for herself and SuperNatural was on. Sam walked out to where I was standing, looked me up and down and asked "Doesn't look like you got laid." "You seem upset I didn't get laid." "I am, I wanted you to!" She returned to the kitchen I watched TV.

I wouldn't mind Dex fucking me.

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