Fans? Chapter 28

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Ok so I haven't been getting a lot of views on this so I might end it. Idek.
Could you guys possibly spread the word about this fanfic. Please?

Aleks' POV

The day ended and the next day went by pretty fast. Our plane left tomorrow, technically today consisting its 1am and Sam, James,Liv and myself can't fall asleep.

"Maybe if I get vodka we'll fall asleep" Sam suggested.

"No. No hangovers"



They both hugged and Sam moved over towards me.

"Aleks, I'm serious, you hurt her. You're a fucking dead man"

"You said that to Dex as well" Liv giggled. "You're my best friends, all of you guys. If someone is dating one of my best friends I keep my guard up for them and myself." "But you know both Aleks and Dex"

He shrugged and went to use the bathroom.

"Alright tell me what the fuck happened and how guy asked her!" Liv whispered.

Kevin was asleep in the room along with Dex.

"Thursday I just simply asked her out I guess. I grew the balls and did it."

"How cute." Liv snickered. "Hey, we don't want the fans knowing we're together yet! You and Dex can tweet about your sex life it doesn't matter to me"

"How do you think you guys should tell the fans when you do?"

"We should play a romance game and be like 'Hey, were dating!'" "We can play CS:GO and I do a question mark on the thumbnail and be like, 'she's my girlfriend'"

Sam face palmed probably at the fact that I suggested CS:GO. She groaned, "you always play CS:GO."

"It's a good game though. Even though I suck at it" "Shut the fuck up you're better than me"

Liv crashed down on the bed next to Dex and James came out of the bathroom.

"I'm gonna head back to my room. Night guys."

We all said goodnight and Liv started to drift off.

"Fuck this I'm going to bed. Don't have sex while I'm asleep!" We laughed and she got under the covers snuggled by Dex.

"Maybe if we get under the covers we'll get tired"

I got on the covers flipping the other side open so Sam could get in. "Sam, come on. get some sleep". She grunted and got under the covers. She was facing Liv and Dex. "Welp"

I turned the other way and wrapped my arms around her torso. She snuggled closer.

"I'm determined to make our relationship work."


We drifted off to bed with smiles on our faces.


I heard sirens and flashing lights made my eyes open.


They didn't look like Swat team though. They had what looked like fake vests. I was dragged out of my bed and thrown on the floor.

Sam was banging on the bathroom door, Liv and Dex were being checked. The whole hotel was going bonkers. Other sleeping people waking up and yelling. I saw the others pinned against a wall in the hallway.

"NAME!" Not knowing if we were REALLY being swatted I asked, "what the fuck is going on?"


I gave them my information. Name and all that other shit.


He slapped me on my bad side and I almost screamed from the pain.

All the sudden people who looked like legit cops barge in. I see the others being let down and the people that pinned them arrested.

They dragged them all out and arrested them. Sam was let out of the bathroom and the others were set free. I wiped my face to find tears. I cried from the pain.

We got asked a bunch of questions and we soon collected our stuff and headed for the airport. We got new place tickets to get the fuck out of Texas and they gave us our money back for our old tickets.

"You know the cops said that someone. said they were all fans?" Dan said with a still pretty fucking scared expression.

"Yea, one of them said it to the cops."

I was furious that 'fans' would do that. I just stayed quiet the rest of the time left until we needed to get on the plane.


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