Alright,Aleksandr Chapter 17

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Sam's POV

I woke up to find my head in Aleks' chest and a blanket around us. My Twitter kept on going off so I grabbed my phone from the end table next to us; I went to unlock my phone and the headache hit me. My hungover had begun.

I looked at my timeline and it was all filled with things like "@classicsquishysam I KNEW IMMORTALSQUISHY WAS REAL!" Then some were tweets with a picture attached so I decided to look at it.

I stared at the sight that Liv took. She took a picture a picture of me and Aleks last night.

Oh god. Oh fuck. So many rumors are gonna go around.

I took the blanket off of me and sat up straight. Aleks must have felt me move because I heard him groan and I saw his eyes slightly open. "Why'd you move?" I showed him my phone and he had a worried expression on his face like mine. "Shit let me guess.....Liv?" "Yup!" "I wonder what fans are saying...."

I showed him some tweets and he giggled at some which made me giggle. He read one out loud that made me upset. "Ew @Immortalhd don't date that whale! put it back in the ocean!"

"Well that's rude..." "Don't listen to em, alright Sam?" I faked a smile and went to call
James to see if he wanted hang out.

"Hey James wanna hang out later?"

"Shit um, I don't know if I and Kylie were suppose to go shopping."

"For what?"

"Um well decorations, for our uh house...." I gasped at how fast the relationship was going and said to him "What the fuck?! You guys are already moving in together? That's insane!"

"I really like her Sam. I'm sorry we haven't been able to hang out but you know you'll always be my best friend, ok?"

I sighed, "Yea, I know."

"Alright bye! See ya tomorrow!"

With that he hung up and I became sad but mad at the same time. "What's up Sam?" I jumped at Dex' s voice not realizing he had come down. "Oh just James and Kylie are moving in together so-" "Wait! They're already moving in together?"

"Yes, now as I was saying, so they're shopping for decorations meaning I can't hang out with James today!" I was so mad I forgot about my hangover and when I stopped talking my headache hit me again. "Ah fuck I forgot I had you!" I said as I tapped my head and made my way towards the cabinet to get pain relievers. I took one and looked at Dex whom is usually badly affected by hangover but he wasn't this time. "How?" "How what?" "How are you wanting to rip your head off right now? You drank last night!"

"I put juice in the drinks so they weren't as bad!" He smirked.

"Hey chums!" Liv said as she walked down in Dex's shirt. "Did you like my little photo?" She smirked and pointed towards Twitter which was open on my phone. "Fucking loved it!" I sarcastically said with a polite tone. "Your gonna fuck eventually so might as well post some before pictures of your upcoming relationship!"

Aleks widened his eyes at Olivia's sentence. I noticed Liv was still a little tipsy from last night so I offered her a pill. She gladly took it and went to go change.

"So about tomorrow..." "What about it?"

"Are we gonna take shifts watching the dog or just both us go at the same time?" I thought about it. With Aleks and me there at the same time, something could get destroyed; if we go at separate times I'll never try to make peace. Right now see we're fine but I think it's because the Bloody Mary's in our system still.

"Um.....well I'm going at 12 in the afternoon so if you wanna come that's perfectly fine!" I smiled and got some bowls for cereal. "Ok, it's gonna be an all day affair I guess." He grabbed some Lucky Charms and pick out the marshmallows.

"Alright Dex, you and Liv, is Div a thing or nah?" "I would like to take her on another date before I say yes to us being official."

"You do realize that your suppose to buy her a drink before you fuck her right? It's just the proper thing." "I did, I took her on a date!"

"That's not what I meant but whatever!"

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. We arrived at the offices, acted like idiots did work and left. Basically our schedule everyday. Before I knew it, it was 3am and I was sitting on my bed on my phone slowly falling asleep. The tweets were still coming in about the picture. I tweeted multiple times saying nothing's going on between us and got some negativity back and some saying that they wish we were together.

I soon fell asleep listening to this weeks CT.


Aleks' POV

I woke up to the fucking sun coming my windows and I looked at the time and realized it said 11:45am.

Shit! I can't even shower! I have to be at James' at 12! Actually I don't have to be I want to so I can talk to Sam about a possible date. She's probably gonna say no but fuck it!

I jumped out of bed and grabbed some jeans and a pizza cat shirt, brushed my hair and then my teeth and grabbed my phone and my phone charger and ran out the door. I put my shoes on in the car and drove off. It was 11:55am! Ugh! I didn't wanna get a speeding ticket so I had to go the normal speed.

I arrived at James' house and ran in.

"Heyyy Sam!" I said as leaned on the counter next to her. "Oh hello. Didn't think you'd come on time! Very proud!" It was 12 on the dot as I made my way to find Ein. "Ok so James and Kylie said to feed her at 2pm then 6pm. Take her for a walk at 6:30pm and in between that just let her sleep and play with her." I nodded and grabbed a toy and threw it hoping she'd hear it and come running. Ein came over and grabbed the toy as I bent down to pet her. "Hey there baby girl!" I ruffled her fur and she dropped the toy and licked my face. I laughed and went to go sit on the couch.

"Ok Aleks want do you wanna do for now?" "How about we take her outside?" Sam thought for a second then responded "I mean sure, we still have another 2 hours for her to get fed." I smiled and ran to the backdoor. "Come on Ein! Let's go outside!". I clapped and motioned for her to come. She ran to the door and outside.

I went to take a seat on James' patio when Ein kept barking. "EIN SHHHHUSH!!" She kept on barking and barking so I finally went to go check it out. "Ein! I said to stop barking!" I pick her up and move her to the patio. "Now stay!" I point a finger at her and go sit down.

Even though I'm here to watch Ein, my first problem is what Sam will say about the date.

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