Ignore The World Chapter 11

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Liv's POV

I turned my music up after Sam left and just stared at the wall. I did start the fight with Kylie to be honest.......I called her rude for not wanting to meet us. I was also upset by the fact that James didn't get his ass down here to get his own hoodie! I haven't hung out with him in like 3 or 4 days. I would understand why he is mad at me, I'm mad at myself to.

I felt bad for Sam, I did push her first but she called me a brat! We don't really fight and when we do it's something stupid that we both end up agreeing with or some shit. I sat up and looked out the window where I could see Seamus and Ash's apartment complex. An idea popped in my head.

I'm lonely so I'm calling up Ash and Seamus will most likely tag along to see Sam. They're very close, as well as I'm very close with Ash.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.
"Come on Ash!"
"Ash! You and Seamus wanna come over? Im kinda bored and me and Sam are mad at each other."
"Um......let me go see if Seamus wants to tag along." There was about a 3 second pause and then I heard Seamus yell "WE ARE COMING OVER!"

"You have your answer!" Ash giggled.
"Ok, see you in a little!" I hung up and ran downstairs to wait for them. I wanted to tell Sam but I really didn't wanna talk to her. She walked out of the bathroom and gave me an almost evil glare, like she had hated me for years. "Hey......Sam......-" "What?" She basically shouted. I was taken back by the harsh sounding response and continued on telling her.

"Seamus and Ash are coming ov-" I heard a knock on the door and I went to go answer it but Sam beat me to it.

"Hello guys!" Sam perked up and welcomed them inside. "Hey! We brought some chips and soda!" Seamus said setting the items on the counter.

"Great!" I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. "So, what happened between you two that your not talking?" Ash sat on the couch and patted the spot next to her signaling for both of us to sit. I sat on the left and Sam sat on the right while Seamus sat in the chair across from us. "Nothing really........I called her a brat and she pushed me, nothing big." But it was big, to me at least. I was in the wrong for pushing her but I mean I guess she doesn't care enough to say that it wasn't big. (Does that even make sense?!)

Sam got up and sat by Seamus and put her headphones in. When she's mad, even when her friends are near, she ignores the world. I would do the same but I invited them and didn't wanna seem rude. "Wanna play a board game or the PS3?" "How about a board game?" Ash nodded and looked at Sam who didn't hear a word we just said. "Sam? SaM? SAM!," She unplugged her earphones and looked up. "Yes?" "Wanna play 'Life'?" I said shaking the box. She shrugged her shoulders and got up to play.


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