20:. Fxxk U

104 6 2

Vinn's POV

"Haha that's pretty funny. So, Avery actually has an addiction?" I looked at Syung while smiling at her.

"Yeah! He's totally addicted to snacks, yet he never gains weight!" She chuckled while inserting the key into the brass lock. " I really need to know how he does that. I'm so fat!" She pouted, literally asking for a compliment.

"No you aren't!" I placed my arm on her shoulder playfully and went on with the joke.

Syung laughed beside me while she turned the knob of the front door. We stumbled inside and took our shoes off. I looked around the huge apartment and someone familiar caught my eye. I suddenly stopped laughing and dropped my jaw. My blood started to boil as I saw Avery snuggling up with Hyun.

"Oh hey, witchy-sis" Avery greeted while popping a chip into his mouth.

Yes! My plan is finally coming into focus. I looked at Hyun for a moment and quickly pulled Syung closer to me by her waist. I slowly locked lips with her and peeked to see Hyun's reaction.

She just shrugged and went back to watching the laptop.

"Ew, EWWWWEEW! Take it in another room, you whoritas!" Avery yelled without making eye contact.

"Why can't we show our love like REAL couples?" I curiously asked Avery with emphasis on REAL to grab Hyun's attention.

"Well you can, just not in my apartment!" Avery explained harshly. " I recommend the hotel on UNF UNF avenue."

"Now, I feel like just to torture you that we should do it in the room." Syung teased. "Should we?"

I could tell that this made Hyun uncomfortable to hear. She always twiddled her thumbs when awkward conversations happened.

"I-uh think I'm just gonna go to bed." Hyun stumbled at her words and pulled herself out of the blanket.

She pulled her skinny leg out of the warm blanket, but Avery pulled her hand; making her fall down back onto the couch.

"Night Noodle." Avery pulled her close and pecked a light kiss on her cheek.

"Oh god, you still remember that?" Hyun laughed loudly and pulled her arm away from his grasp gently.

"Of course! I was the one who caused it in the first place. Well get going to bed, we got a big day tomorrow!" Avery smiled and playfully pushed her up the stairs.

When Hyun was out of view, the area became tense. Was there really something between them? Could they be dating? OH CRAP, are they hooking up?

"Vinn?" Syung called out worriedly.

"Hmm, what?" I replied.

"Aren't we going upstairs?" Syung asked like she was aching for it.

"No, no. Kinda lost the mood now."I shrugged and slipped my hands into my front pockets. " I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Upstairs." Avery responded rudely while staring at me with killer eyes.

I awkwardly walked towards the stairs and climbed up. I noticed that there were 4 doors and one of them was opened with a slight crack. I shuffled over and peeked through. Hyun was crouched on the bed with her head rested on her thighs.

"Ugh, fucking Vinn!" She screamed and threw the pillow towards the wall. I could hear light sobs as her head bobbed.

In my heart, I wanted to knock on that door and pull her close to me one last time. But I knew that I only caused her pain and that Vinn and Hyun was disconnected forever.

I'm sorry, Hyun. I'm truly am, but I can't stop the pain from hurting.

"You know, she really loved you a lot." I could hear a voice that startled me.

I turned around and it was Avery slouched down on the wall." Then, why couldn't she just tell me?"

"Hyun.." Avery sighed." Grew up hiding her feelings and even her true self from the world. She was quiet and still is, and she chooses to live this way. I was the only person she opened up to, but I guess she opened up to you too."

"I-I never knew.." I admitted sadly.

"Yeah, because you never tried to. You guys literally dated for a short time." Avery shrugged." Go in there, I'll keep Syung company. She is my dumb sister after all." Avery walked away while looking back at me.

I sighed softly and knocked on the door. Hyun looked up and wiped her eyes.

"Guess who's here?" I said in a girly voice.

"Umm... Jonghyun?" She guessed playfully.

"Nope, it's AVERAGE PERV MASTA!" I pushed the door open and slid on the shiny floor with my socks.

The blood from her face dropped and she started to get up.

"I really don't want to see you right now." Hyun mumbled and looked at me straightforwardly. She walked away with heavy steps. I suddenly grabbed her from behind and wrapped my arms around her.

"I-I missed you." I tried to say something else, but that's all that came out.

"Let go of me, Vinn" Hyun angrily insisted was she was on the verge of crying.

"No. I'm never letting you go ever again." I rested my chin against her shoulder and hugged her tighter.

"Well I am." Hyun pulled out of my grasp and wiped her tears with her sleeves." You have a girlfriend, Vinn! You should be caring for her not me, you dumbass!" She screamed at me like I've never heard her before.

"But I-I Lo-"

"I don't want to be with you anymore! Just get out of my life already!" Hyun stormed out of the room and pulled her jacket over herself.

" I'm gonna stay over Sherri's house tonight. I'll see you later, Avery." Hyun stated as she went down the stairs.

"Uh okay! Drive safe!" Avery tossed her the keys and she stormed away.

I reached down the stairs and Syung looked at me with blankness.

"Why did it take you so long, Hun?" She asked while tapping her feet.

"I-uh had diarrhea." I mumbled.

Diarrhea? Really, Vinn? I looked over at Avery and he just repeatedly nodded in disappointment.

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