3:. Starbucks Meet Up

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Hyun's POV

I tried to sleep last night, but all I could think about was that boy. He went way too close to me that day, and I felt like I had given in. My mind was filled of ways that I could have ended that argument. Mean ways, badass ways, girly ways, and so on. I ended up getting no sleep and had to stop by the nearest Starbucks.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks! How may I help you today?" the barista asked.

"Uhh... yeah. Can I get one Grande Coffee Frap with whipped cream?" I replied.

After painful minutes, which felt like hours waiting for my frap. I decided to sit at a table and pop open my laptop to see if I had any homework that I forgot to do. The bell chime rang and the door wooshed open.

It was that guy again. Ughhh at this time too?!? I hope he doesn't notice me and tries to hit me up again. Wait, but he has a little girl holding his hand... strange. I kinda eavesdropped to learn a little about this girl. They were speaking Korean, so I had to decipher what they were saying.

"Jung-Hee, what are you getting? Hyung (Big brother) will pay," Vinn said.

"I don't know, hyung. Mom won't let me have coffee. She says it will turn my brain into oatmeal." Jung chuckled.

"That's true. Look at hyung. He drinks coffee and now he's all crazy!" Vinn pinches Jung's cheeks.

"Ow, HYUNG! At least you aren't boring," Jung smiled.

"True. Let's just get you a Vanilla Bean Frap, ok?" Vinn said.


Once the frap was made, he handed it to his sister and she went to her mother. I was staring him until he caught me red-handed, yet I tried to play it cool. He started to walk over to my table and grabbed a chair.

"You do know that I saw you right? Can't fool me." he chuckled.

"Hmph, yeah. So, I'm guessing that's your little sister?" I asked.

"Mhm. Wait, you speak Korean?" Vinn asked, looking surprised.

"Yup, born and raised. Your Korean isn't half bad. It just made me laugh when you messed up," I giggled.

"Well I was born in 'Murica, so I need to learn English too. I haven't got your name," Vinn said.

"Haha, well my name is Hyun. Hyun Sang. and you?" 

"Vinn Kyung, like Finn but without the F"

"Nice to meet you, I guess," I smiled.

Just then my phone went blaring off Big Bang's "Fantastic Baby", and my face was turned red with embarassment.

"Uh, hold on for a moment."

~Phone Call~


"Hyun! Where have you been? Sherri and I have been waiting for you!"

"Sorry, I was chatting with Vinn"

"VINN??!?! WTF HYUN?!?"

"Jeez, don't scream. Yeah, I'm talking to Vinn,"

"Do you know what his nickname is?"

"Not a clue, is it tomato dude because he's red like crazy."

"I wish, but no. They call him the average perv. He's known for having one night stands with girls all the time, he's just straight up bad."

"Oh god, that's umm....I'll call you back"

~Phone Call Ends~

"So, Average Perv eh?" I asked.

" You know about that? Dammit."

"Mhm, Ivy just blabbed it on the phone. And why dammit?"

"Ughh, it gets annoying when that's all what people judge you for, I want people to actually get to know me"

"I didn't say I believed her," I pulled my jacket over myself

"Well I gotta go, Ivy and Sherri are gonna kill me if I'm late the third time this week," I grumbled.

"Mkay," He said.

As I went to get up from my seat, he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I felt like I was in a Disney movie and here was the prince greeting me.

"I'll see you in my dreams," he let go of my hand and waved goodbye while taking a sip of his coffee.

I didn't hesitate to leave the shop. As I started to head my way back to the campus, I felt my heart beating rapidly. Was this a crush I was feeling? No, no, no. It couldn't be. He's just wants me in bed, that's all.

Nothing more, nothing less...

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