5:. A Weird Trade

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Vinn's POV

I wanted to recollect myself because I didn't want to go to class raging in anger. I quietly sat down on a bench in a huddled position. I guess class had already started. The whole quad area was silent, with only the sound of a breeze. I just sat there...thinking of happy memories so I could forget. I thought about the time Yejun and Chen planned me a huge party for high school graduation...and I realised, that I had no happy memories but that only one.

"Hey Perv." a mysterious voice called right next to me.

I turned to see who it was. It was her, Hyun...

"You're not gonna answer me? And I thought we were friends." she chuckled.

"We are, I just have a lot of things going on right now," I mumble.

"Why don't you tell me some? I think it will help," Hyun sits down next to me.

"I don't know, for a petite girl like you? You couldn't handle it."

"Pshh, I'm offended. just because i'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't understand."

"Well, I won't comfort you if you cry or something. Not many people know this, but I am the second son of Hee-Ran Kyung, the chairwoman of the Kyung Industries. She got me into a forced marriage with some snobby chick. That snobby chick wants nothing from me. It's just for joining to two stupid companies together," I spew out.

"Wow. Tha-that's a lot to swallow in," she stuttered.

"Mhm, and to add on top of that, I have to pay my friends fifty bucks now since I'm definitely gonna lose this bet."

"What bet?" Hyun asked curiously.

"Ugh, it was if I could get you to sleep with me by today. I didn't want to do it. I actually wanted to end all the one-night stands for now," I run my hands through my hair.

"Well, why don't we stage it? I mean, I'm up for it if you are," she smiles.

"Really? You would do that for me?" I ask, surprised.

"Well, sure. It isn't going to be that hard. I'll just give you one of my bras, and you could make up the story."

"Oh my god,. Thank you Hyun!" I pull her into a tight bear hug.

"No problem, Vinn! I know what it feels like to lose a bet, believe me."

We both entered the building and walked through the empty hallway. We visited her dorm which was all covered with nerdy things.

"I didn't know you were a gamer," I say, while browsing through her video game collection.

"Well stop by sometime. I'm sure I'll kick your butt in Mario Kart," she smirked.

"Pshh, bring it."

She opened one of the cabinets from the huge dresser and pulled out a light blue bra. She tossed it to me.

"Remember to bring it back! Bras aren't cheap you know?" 

"Yeah, yeah. Ooo 34DD, nice," I teased.

"HEY! SHUT UP! Now get out of my dorm before the hall officer catches you in here."

I slipped the bra into my backpack and strolled off. I still can't believe she let me do this! I've never seen a girl who has acted like this before. She has her limits, yet sometimes she breaks them, but she isn't a whore. Girls are getting better and better.


Herroo Readers!

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading all the way through. It means so much that many people have taken their precious time just to read my story, I'm speechless. Also, sorry if this was a weird chapter, I had small writer blocks and just decided to write this silly one. Anyway, hope you guys are having an awesome day and also HAPPY NEW YEARSS

~Aires. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) <--- Random!

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