1:. A New Adventure

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A crisp breeze flows through my hair as I walk towards the campus.

At the corner of my eye, I could see leaves in an array of colors. Fall's coming. Ah, I missed the sounds of people playing music or hearing then aggressively acting.

"HYUN!" I could hear my name being yelled.

"Huh?" I squinted my eyes and saw my friend Sherri, jumping and waving her hands to get my attention.

I ran over and she tackled me in a painful bear hug. We haven't seen each other in 2 months, yet it feels like 2 years.

"We're Finally in Second Year! This campus looks way more cleaner than First Year. I wonder what the dorms look like," Sherri said gladly.

"Aha, yeah. No heaps of garbage to be seen. Hey, where are the others?" I ask.

"Celia is smooching it up with Kyle, and Ivy is waiting for us in the practice room," Sherri winked.

"Well let's get going before she lashes out on us," I roll my eyes.

We started to talk about what we've done on break. She went to Los Angeles while I snuggled up playing Team Fortress 2.

The corridors were filled with people exchanging smiles while waiting to check into their dorm or their practice rooms.

"C-13, there it is!" Sherri excitedly turned the knob and popped open the door. "I bet it's gonna look awesome, I mean cons-"

Sherri stopped and saw Ivy twirling her hair flirtatiously while she was surrounded by three guys. We had never seen them before. All three looked cute, but we knew they were just pervs.

"IVY! What the hell, who are these guys?" Sherri screeched.

"They looked lonely, seemed like they needed company," Ivy pouted.

"The only company they want is in bed, and it ain't cuddling," Sherri grumbled.

"Ugh, man whores" I said while sighing.

"Whatever, Ivy. Give me a call sometime," the shortest out of the group handed her a slip of paper containing his number.

"Mkay," Ivy blushed.

The three boys left through the door, yet one of them kept staring at me.

"Uhh, can I help you?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Nope. It's just that you're pretty cute. My dorm or yours?" the tallest guy smirked.

"Both. You go to your dorm, and I go to mine," I said a little aggressively.

"Babe, I know you'll be going into my dorm soon. Just wanted to plan ahead so that at least it will be romantic," he bit his lower lip seductively.

"Oh please, in your weird-ass little dreams," I growled.

I slammed the door and immediately locked the door. I could see his face through the clear window and he was making kissy faces and hand-hearts.

"~cough~ THIRSTY ~cough~" I said playfully.

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