11:. Love Shouldn't Be Forced

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Hyun's POV

"Well... aren't you going to answer me? I knew this would have happened." Vinn's mother grumbled.

"Is this how you teach your son?" Syung's mother asked forcefully.

"Of course not! It's just that despicable girl who's been trying to seduce my son for so long! First, you seduce my son with your words, and then you throw your body at him!" Vinn's mother growled at me.

It wasn't a surprise to me that she was going to act this way. She was a chairwoman for one of the biggest companies in the world. Of course she couldn't be a softy.

"MOM! Leave her out of this. She doesn't relate to any of this!" Vinn yelled at his mother while pushing me behind him.

"She does! She's the one that's making you late for Syung! Get in the damn limo now!" She commanded Vinn.

Syung? Was she an ex? I was curious, but I couldn't just ask Vinn right now.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kyung. I did not mean to seduce your son," I bowed my head deeply to show full respect.

I could hear the clicks of her heels becoming louder and louder as she walked towards me. I lifted my head and...

I was given a good smack across the face.

"Apologies are worthless to me. If everything could be solved by a simple sorry, why would we have government, judges, and trials?" She looked at me as if I was a piece of rubbish that was stuck to her shoe.

She was inhumane...

"That's sadly true," I decided to pick myself up. "At least I know how to say sorry unlike you, you cold-hearted creature. I wouldn't even call you human right now."

She looked at me in awe, like she didn't expect me to talk back.

"Were you raised in a dumpster? I'll show you how we 'creatures' treat pitiful humans," She raised her hand as if she was about to slap me once again.

"Stop, just stop..." Vinn had caught her hand in time. "Don't you dare touch a single hair on her, or else I will move out of the house and tell the press everything that has happened today. Your career is on a thread right now, and I have the scissors." He threw her hand away violently and pulled me away from her reach.

"Well. Let's make an agreement," She brushed her clothes like it was dirty or something. "I won't touch a single hair on that friend of yours, but you must come with me to the dinner with Syung. You must act polite and kind to her, like this never happened.Is that a deal?" she pulled out her hand as if she was waiting for a handshake.

Vinn looked at me and mouthed the words 'I'm so sorry'.

"It-it's a deal," he lifted his arm and shook hands with his mother.

"After you," she said to Vinn while commanding the limo driver to open the door. Vinn gloomily walked to the limo and sat on one of the leather seats, with his mom following behind him. She slammed the door shut. All I wanted to see was Vinn's face, but the tinted windows and Mrs.Kyung's huge forehead made it impossible. My legs dropped by themselves, and I was on my knees.

I felt like I just got him, yet I could easily lose him just like that...

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