10:. Caught Red-Handed

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Vinn's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Hyun and I started dating. I felt like my world revolved around her now; I rarely left her side. We had become dramatically closer, yet I felt like we haven't done most of the things average couples do.

"Hyun?" I called for her attention.

"Hmm? What's up?" she asked.

"I was uh-thinking that we should go on a date sometime. I mean, it's up to you," I replied nervously.

"Oh how cute, you're blushing again!" Hyun cooed.

"My god! Damn you blushing!"

She chuckled, "Yeah, we should. Where would we go, though?"

"Hmm," I thought deeply for a moment, "We could go to the clock tower!" I suggested.

"The clock tower?" she stood there in confusion.

"Yeah, and I already have it planned out. Does Monday work for you?" I asked, excitedly.

"I guess. I mean I-" Hyun stuttered.

"Great! I'll pick you up!" I said happily, not waiting for an answer.

My phone started to ring out of the blue, and I guess Yejun got a hold of my phone last night since Girls Generation's "I Got A Boy" blasted from my pocket. I looked over Hyun and she just stood there shocked that I 'supposedly' listened to this song. I checked to see who it was and it was my mother. What a surprise, I hadn't talked to her since that talk.

"Hold on Hyun, I gotta take this." I told her.

~Phone Call Starts~

"Mother?" I answered.

"Vinn! Where the hell are you?" she growled.

"Campus, like always. Why?" I asked politely.

"Your butt is supposed to be at Le' Orang'e with Syung!" she screamed at me, with the echoing in the background I could tell she was in the bathroom.

"Haha, you're kidding right? Tell me you are kidding!"

"I don't lie about something important about this. I've called a limo to pick you up. And I've told them that if you choose not to get in, they are allowed to use force," my mother hissed.

"Damn it. What the hell mom!" I grumbled.

~Phone Call Ends~

"I'm sorry, it was my mother." I apologized to Hyun.

"Ahh, gotcha. So, Girls Generation, huh?" I could see that she was trying hard to change the subject.

"What? I love my Yoona!" I said playfully.

"Hmph, I see how it is. Well I 'love' my GD so hah!" she chuckled.

"Do you know what happens when you talk about a different guy near me?" I started to walk closer to her until her back hit the concrete wall.

"I-uh," she tried to run away from the left side, but my hand slammed at the wall, blocking her path.

She tried to go the other direction, but I blocked that one too.

"I get nervous when I'm around you. Don't you get nervous around me?" I asked her

"I do! Its just-I'm not that good at showing my feelings," Hyun confessed.

"Well I am, so that's all you have to worry about now," I replied.

I pulled her chin up so that she was facing me. I tilted her head and moved closer until our lips were only centimeters apart.

"STOP IT RIGHT THERE, YOUNG MAN!" a mysterious voice yelled.

I looked over to my right, still holding Hyun's chin. It was my mother, and to make matters worse...Syung's mother was there as well.

Herro Again!!
So as you may not or have known, I've been SO addicted with the K-drama Pinocchio and I just had to include that picture on this part. Sorry to leave at a cliffhanger, but I'm sure you guys will love or get pissed at the next part. Also, THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR 400+ readers. I literally shed tears of joy! I didn't believe that this story was going to be as popular as I thought it would be, so thank you!

With love

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