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Seonghwa was currently sitting in the living room while he waited for Hongjoong to come back. It has been fifteen minutes since Hongjoong went to get a shower. After five more minutes Seonghwa heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. He waited till he finally saw Hongjoong in his vision.

"Hey, sorry I made you wait." Hongjoong came towards him and sat on the other couch. "It's alright! But Hongjoong I think I should go now. I have bothered you alot." He heard Seonghwa say to him. Though Hongjoong wanted Seonghwa to stay longer but Seonghwa has been mentioning to leave from some time now.

Maybe, he isn't fully comfortable yet. And he shouldn't force him just yet. "Seonghwa, I wished you would have stayed till dinner but if you wanna go then it's alright. I won't force you." He said back to Seonghwa giving him a small smile. "Thanks, I guess I'll meet you tomorrow at school then?" Seonghwa said not expecting the words to come out of his mouth yet liking what he said. Cause this was sure, he wanted to see more of Hongjoong from now on.

Hongjoong was a little sad that Seonghwa was leaving but then he felt happy as well. He felt happy that Seonghwa was willing to try to be friends with him. "Of course! We will meet at school tomorrow." Hongjoong said smiling brightly at Seonghwa.

Seonghwa gave Hongjoong a warm smile in return. After that Hongjoong got Seonghwa his clothes from yesterday and after Seonghwa got ready they headed to the door. Hongjoong was sad yet happy and excited about the fact that he'll surely be seeing Seonghwa tomorrow. "Goodbye then Hongjoong! I'll see you tomorrow at school." Seonghwa said while looking at Hongjoong and then down at his shoes.

"Goodbye Seonghwa till tomorrow. Have a good rest and go carefully. Take care!" Hongjoong said smiling a soft and warm smile at him. "I'll be going then!" Seonghwa said not looking Hongjoong in the eye and going towards his bike.

Putting on the helmet Seonghwa got on and with a last glance at Hongjoong who waved at him like a kid Seonghwa started his bike. He waved one last time and then he was off to his place. He was in a better mood this time unlike the last two times.

Hongjoong saw Seonghwa leave on his bike. He stood there until his vision could no longer spot Seonghwa. He slowly went inside. The house though was always this way, felt more empty and lonely. He sat down on the couch and looked at his wrist. It was empty.

The bracelet was gone but he wasn't sad. He was happy actually. He wasn't sure of it but probably his parents must be angry, sad and disappointed with him for giving his bracelet to someone else. It was their last gift for him and yet he gave it to someone else. Yet, he just felt that he did something good. Was it his stupidity? Was it his selfishness to get to become friends with more people? Was he a bad child for making such a decision?

That's when he heard the door bell ring. He looked up and thought who would it be now? He got up and went to the door to get his answer. He opened the door and was met by many faces. And the first was Mingi. He didn't have his usual smile but a little worried face. While the others had the same faces. But it wasn't sure if the others' faces were meant for him or someone else.

Suddenly, he found himself in a tight hug with Mingi. "Are you alright, Hongjoong? I was so worried!" Mingi said still hugging him tightly. Hongjoong was shocked to react but thankfully Jongho saw his shock and spoke up. Yunho was not in a state to interrupt anymore.

"Hey, Mingi! What do you think you are doing?! You'll suffocate him from that tight hug." Jongho spoke in a way nobody would suspect his actual intention of stopping Mingi. Saying that he went straight to pull Mingi's arm so that he stops. Hongjoong though still shocked saw Yunho who just looked down.

"H-Hey guys! J-Just come in!" Hongjoong made out the words out of his still shocked self. While everyone was coming in, his eyes locked with Yunho's. He was about to whisper out something before he got a look from Yunho's face.

Yunho's face just presented a small smile but if someone else saw it and assumed it to be a happiness loaded one, they would surely end up being wrong. But currently Hongjoong, the one who saw it, wasn't wrong. He could easily point out that the smile just spoke out something, the face holding that smile would never want.

It truly spoke that he would need to become used to it and that he would just have to go on with it. That the one he loves isn't deserved by him. That the one he loves would never want to stay by his side cause he doesn't deserve him. He doesn't deserve Mingi. That it's better to let Mingi do what he finds his happiness with rather than wishing of something that would never happen.

Hongjoong just sighed and gave him a sympathetic look and then closed the door before going to where the others had gone with Yunho before him. Hongjoong went on to sit beside YeoSang while Yunho sat with Jongho on the other couch.

"So, guys! How did you end up at mine? You could have informed me so that I could have prepared some snacks beforehand." Hongjoong said to the others to which Wooyoung replied. "It's alright! It's just when Mingi told us that you weren't feeling well we thought that we should check on you."

Wooyoung said with worry evident in his eyes. Hongjoong read the same in others expressions as well. "Yeah, we were really worried about you. How are you now?" San asked this time. "Thanks guys but don't worry! I am alright now! Don't worry!" He lied to them again. He felt bad but he probably shouldn't tell about what happened with him and Seonghwa. At least not until he is sure Seonghwa is better.

"It's good that you are alright now! But don't forget to rest properly from now. We don't want you sick and all. Okay Hongjoong?" Yunho spoke with worry flowing in his words. "Of course I would! I don't want you guys to be worried because of me." Hongjoong replied looking at everybody. There faces showed true worry for him.

Hongjoong's heart hasn't been much happier ever since his friend, Jungkook left him without a notice. He felt so hurt yet he doesn't know why he still calls him a friend. Maybe because he still doesn't believe or isn't over that the fact that Jungkook left him. Maybe, he doesn't believe the fact that there are still people who care for him and love him for what he is.

Hongjoong suddenly got up. "Guys, I'll get you something. Wait a little for me." Hongjoong said and was about to go to the kitchen when Jongho interrupted him. "It's alright Hongjoong! We just wanted to check on you. I think we should go, also you should rest." Jongho spoke up for everyone while the others just nodded there heads showing there agreement with Jongho's words.

"But Guys-" The soon to come out of his mouth's protests were cut off by YeoSang rising from the couch and dragging his feet towards Hongjoong's standing figure. "Hongjoong just rest for now. We'll see you tomorrow." YeoSang's spoke out to him in a soft voice placing his hand on Hongjoong's tiny shoulder in a pat.

Hongjoong just stood there looking at the others get up as well. He just sighed and then they went to the door where Hongjoong and the others exchanged Goodbyes. He gave Yunho a look to see his face not as happy as it used to be but didn't speak anything and the next moment he was standing alone at the door.

The others were gone. He felt really bad seeing how he lied to them and yet they are still so caring towards him while there was another worry in his head. Yunho. He was worried about Yunho, seeing his face looked so different. At least he has Jongho with him at the moment or at least he wishes that Jongho is looking after him.

It's like, a part of him is excited for what'll happen next in the future while the other is equally scared and worried because of it. Excited, because he is looking forward to meeting Seonghwa again. Scared and worried, because of what'll happen with him, Mingi and Yunho tomorrow. The most he can wish is it's not something that makes Yunho sad. It just depends on what'll happen........next.

Okay, so everybody! I updated a little earlier, I mean- some hours earlier. So just to tell you guys why I did it. It's because my schools are starting regularly from tomorrow and so I'll be in school at the time I usually update. And my school doesn't allow phones and so I can't even think of updating when I am at school.

Also, I am getting back to writing properly at least that's what I feel but I won't be changing the update schedule just yet since you never know what sort of bomb my school drops. But I'll surely try to change the update schedule to how it was soon.
Sorry if the chapter wasn't good but I am trying to write better. Thanks alot!! Love you all guys!!

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