23 || .....Not Impossible

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The plain white room door with a small black handle stood closed until two figures successfully completed their journey towards it. Standing there the blonde-head, with the tiny figure of the brown haired beside him, extended his hand towards the only option to open the door.

Making a slight click sound the door loosened from its lock and opened, revealing a much more cleaner place than the house. It looked a total hotel room, with everything set at its proper place and not a single thing being messy to ruin the minds and moods of the ones placing their foot inside the four-walled place.

First thing noticed by the moon like soft eyes of the tiny figured was the big glass window, just like his room. But, if anyone were to compare his room with this four-walled place, he would easily catch the fact that the tiny figured one's room felt a room while the blonde haired one's room felt just a place made of four walls. Just like his house it felt desolate and cold.

Hongjoong gave loose to his eyes to look around, it was just a simple room with white walls and nothing on them. A small door for the bathroom on the right side of the glass window. Just in front of the bathroom door there was a small closet, while in the centre of the room was a bed. His irises catched something on the nightstand. It was a frame just like the ones he kept in his room.

He didn't pay attention to Seonghwa and unconsciously walked towards the frame, his heart getting the only warmth and emotional attachment's feelings from that corner. Seonghwa's eyes followed Hongjoong's pace and settled at the same thing as Hongjoong. The frame of him and his Dad.

Seonghwa was a little nervous seeing Hongjoong standing in front of the nightstand. 'What is Hongjoong doing?' His mind asked himself and the only answer to this question was to wait and watch. Hongjoong for some reason couldn't help but just look at it. The frame had a man and a 6 or 7 year old kid. There was someone else's arm visible in the picture as well but the person wasn't in the picture. It seemed the picture was torn to half.

"Whose this, Seonghwa?" Hongjoong found himself unconsciously whispering the only thought he had. Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong who didn't turn around, slowly with all his courage Seonghwa went to the stand near Hongjoong locking his eyes at the same object on the nightstand. "My Dad." He whispered, his tongue having no intentions of getting heard but Hongjoong's ears were good enough and so he heard it. Another reason of his words getting heard was probably the silence in the room.

"He must have been so nice, right?" Hongjoong spoke out softly with a small smile of sadness. Looking at the picture the kid, who he already knew was Seonghwa by his features, he found the figures so happy. The kid in that picture looked free of all worries, just enjoying the happiness that resided in his heart. And now if he sees the grown up version of that kid, he feels so broken.

The small Seonghwa looked happy and cheerful while the grown up Seonghwa was just a body with no soul or probably the soul is still hiding. The grown up Seonghwa is just opposite of the smaller one.

The smaller one, who feels like the one who isn't scared at all, who likes to explore and capture the bright light of happiness, is just the opposite of the grown up Seonghwa, who is probably so scared from the darkness he lives in, that was created by someone else around him, yet given the sources to grow by Seonghwa himself. Seonghwa feels likes he is scared of the darkness he lives in yet is more scared and courageless to go out in the brightness.

But, if ever someone was ready to give his hand and pull Seonghwa out of the darkness maybe things would have been better. But, neither Seonghwa ever wanted such a hand nor anyone ever gave that hand until Hongjoong came. It's just, presuming things is always not right. Though Seonghwa had been living with no one till now, with no hopes of ever attaching himself to anyone, with only one thought that he doesn't need anyone around him, when Hongjoong came he ended up making the decision otherwise. He ended up taking the hand he never wanted in the first place.

It's just a matter of trying and not presuming cause you never know how and when you end up becoming someone special without intention. And right now Hongjoong was the special one for Seonghwa. Hongjoong was the one who became special to Seonghwa without intention. And Hongjoong himself doesn't know that he is special to Seonghwa. They stood there silently almost as if they forgot what actually Hongjoong came here for.

Suddenly, Hongjoong's phone made a beep sound. Looking down at his pocket to see it was a message probably Hongjoong, took out his phone. Opening the screen he found, it was Yunho. Yunho asked whether they had reached home or not. Texting him back they were fully alright and back at Seonghwa's he stuffed his phone in his pocket only to remember what he was here for.

"Hey, Seonghwa so.....get me the last one you have." Hongjoong asked Seonghwa who just nodded and went to get it. Until Seonghwa came, Hongjoong just occupied himself with the frame just staring at it. Hongjoong was actually curious as to whose arm that was of, but as he said to Seonghwa before he won't force him into telling things he doesn't want to.

After a few minutes he found himself turning away from the frame to where Seonghwa stood with the pack of cigarettes in his hand. Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong before extending his arm towards him. "Here." He spoke up as Hongjoong took it. Hongjoong knew it would be difficult for Seonghwa seeing he probably has the habit of smoking from a long time.

After a long thought he made his mind. Opening the pack he took one out and then extended his arm to give it to Seonghwa. Seonghwa looked confused for he had no idea what Hongjoong was doing again. "Try to use it wisely. The rest will be with me." Hongjoong spoke up to Seonghwa and that's when Seonghwa understood a little.

Seonghwa just looked at the cigarette in his hand. Hongjoong asked to use it wisely. He'll try to. And that's when he heard Hongjoong again. "Seonghwa I think I'll be going now, I have to meet my parents as well as get back home to do some work. Also, please rest properly, I get worried about you." Hongjoong spoke out with a concerned face to which Seongwha just replied with a little disappointment seeing Hongjoong has to leave. "Oh, okay." Seonghwa said and just looked down at his hand before he went to the door to let Hongjoong out.

"Bye, Seonghwa! Take care and rest as much as you can please!" Hongjoong said at last hearing which, Seongwha just replied. "Yeah, I will don't worry. You too take care and go home carefully." Seonghwa said after which Hongjoong went away waving at him for the last time before disappearing from Seonghwa's vision.

Seonghwa went inside and straight dragged himself to his room. Getting a pair of pajamas Seonghwa went to get a shower. Stripping off, Seonghwa closes his eyes to feel the warm water leave it's feeling on his body. Today, Seonghwa felt really nice. He actually felt nice not just today but yesterday as well or to be exact when Hongjoong was around. The day was a little weird as well yet it was one of the most exciting days of his life.

After a good long shower, Seonghwa came out, a small towel in his hand drying his hair while a bigger one wrapped around his lower half. Getting his pajamas that laid on his bed, Seonghwa got dressed and headed downstairs to prepare dinner.

Seonghwa wasn't actually paying much attention to anything until he went to get to bed where he remembered the cigarette that sat at the nightstand. Laying in his bed, with the cigarette in the right hand Seonghwa stared at it, while staring his eyes dropped to the bracelet that embraced his wrist. He looked at the bracelet and then at the cigarette again. Repeating it for some time, Seonghwa debated what to do.

And as Hongjoong said to use it wisely he put it back on the nightstand and layed properly, closing his eyes only to remember Hongjoong's face that looked so worried in the school. He knows it will be difficult to change this habit but if he can oppose his inner self and make friends he can do this as well. At least this is what he has learned from Hongjoong. That everything can be difficult but not impossible.

Okay, so I know not much happened in this chapter and so I'm sorry guys!! This story still has alot ahead but I guess I'm making things too slow. Don't worry things are sure gonna get on a proper track after a few chapters. Also, looks like Hongjoong and Seonghwa are getting a little closer finally ;)

I hope you all are still enjoying this book though I do feel many are probably finding it boring now compared to how they did before. I'll try to write much better and hope you guys stay tuned.

If you still like this book don't forget to vote, comment and share!! I really like to it when I get to know there are still people out there who read and like it.

Hope you all stay happy and smile!! Stay safe and take care. I love you all<333

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