5 || Different PT.2

432 61 24

The figure on the bed squirmed repeatedly like it did every night. Like every night the figure was having the same nightmare. But, tonight something was different. The figure as usual after some time woke up with a jerk and sat up clutching the chest with heavy breathing and eyes closed.

As usual the figure sat for a minute and then opened eyes with not a single trace of fear from the nightmare, just that expressionless face and those sharp eyes stayed there.

The figure extended his arm towards the nightstand to get a cigarette and lighter as usual going towards the balcony then. The figure lit the cigarette and brought to his mouth enjoying the feeling. But this time it didn't calm him. Why? Because for some reason the person already felt calm.

The wind was having its usual dance routine with his soft locks. And tonight for some reason the person found the same wind different just like the other things. The cold wind failed in doing its job of calming the person like the cigarette.

The person just didn't know who stole the job of the wind and the cigarette. Probably, a particular someone he saw in his dream for the first time, did it. How could someone he saw for the first time appear in his dream? And on top of that how could that someone calm him?

He has never had someone else appear in his dream. He always had the same nightmare and nothing else. How did this change out of a sudden? He needed to find it. For some reason he couldn't help but think about that guy. He couldn't help but feel that he is different.

Tonight also, he thought about the nightmare. He asked himself the same question again. "When will this nightmare stop?" But this time before he would realise that he won't get the answer to this question, he just remembered what happened today.

After school he just went straight to meet his father as usual. As he was riding his bike he couldn't help but think about the new guy in school. What was his name again? Right, it was - Kim Hongjoong. He just couldn't help but remember the smile he saw on his face. It felt cheerful like others yet it held something different. Something Seonghwa could sense but couldn't put into words.

He arrived at the place where he would go to see his father everyday. It was quite dark. Seonghwa would always come at this time. He didn't want others to see him. But, it wasn't because the darkness would prevent him to be seen cause it wasn't that dark either, he could easily see around. But, because nobody comes to a graveyard at this time usually. As he was going to where his father's grave was, he heard someone talking. He immediately hid behind a tree in the graveyard. He remembers that voice.

It felt really cheerful just similar to how a child would sound like when he or she is given their favourite ice cream. Just then he saw who it belonged to. It was Hongjoong, The new guy. The wind was blowing smoothly making his brown hair with slight golden highlights to flow and fall on his eyes every now and then. He had a wide smile on his face showing his teeth.

As Seonghwa listened carefully he heard him talking about something about school. Not that he wanted to eavesdrop but he couldn't help himself. He felt something different in Hongjoong. And seeing that he is in the graveyard talking to someone or more precisely to someone's grave. It made him feel like he surely was different than the others but, similar to him in some way. This reason probably left him wanting to listen.

He stood there and listened to him. "Mom!! Dad!! Do you know my first day of school was so good here. Everybody was different from Grandma's place just like Grandma told me. Nobody bullied me nor they said that they don't want to be friends with me. Everybody was really nice!!" He heard Hongjoong say.

He was quite amazed seeing him talking to his parents this way. Whenever he comes to his father's grave he couldn't help but stay quiet and question himself about things he did wrong or he should have not done at all. He would always question himself from inside about why he got such a life? But this guy didn't feel like that at all. He always saw people in this graveyard crying or with sad faces. Probably because he is different? Maybe.

Just then he heard Hongjoong talking again " But Mom, Dad , there was another guy, he felt different. His name is Seonghwa. I actually bumped into him accidentally this morning while I was going to a cafe. And then, I found out he was in the same class as me. I actually sat beside him but when I tried talking to him he just nodded without looking or replying. But Mom, Dad, it didn't feel rude or anything. He must have his own reasons probably but I'll surely try talking to him again." He saw Hongjoong say that with a small smile on his face.

He was shocked for a bit at the fact that he actually thought about him in this way when some other would surely have found him rude just by the morning encounter but Hongjoong didn't find him so even after that happened again in the class. As he was busy in his own thoughts he didn't even notice Hongjoong stood up to leave.

Before he could do anything he found himself being interrupted by a "Hey, we met again." He came back to his thoughts only to see Hongjoong smiling in front of his face. He stood that way for a bit before nodding again. "Hey, I wouldn't force you to talk nor I would ask who are you here to meet with. But, sorry for the morning. I don't think that you remember but I was the one you bumped into this morning in front of the cafe." He saw Hongjoong say with a small smile all the while.

Suddenly he heard a phone ringing, it was  Hongjoong's. "Sorry, I think I need to go. By the way, it was nice meeting you. I hope next time we would both be able to talk as well." He saw Hongjoong say before he went, waving to him with a small smile on his face.

What was weird yet normal of him was that he just stood there without saying anything. It was weird because he was quite shocked from inside while it was normal because he was always like this- Not speaking to anyone in particular with that expressionless face -from outside.

What was weird yet normal of Hongjoong was that he just spoke to him as if he didn't have a single problem. It was weird because Hongjoong didn't find him rude at all. He even said that to his parents while it was normal of Hongjoong because what he saw of Hongjoong since the morning was that he was this cheerful and friendly to everyone.

One thing that stayed in his mind was that even though Hongjoong seemed to be friendly and cheerful all the time, he heard Hongjoong say that nobody bullied nor said that they didn't want to be friends with him unlike his Grandma's place.

He couldn't help but think about it. Why would someone as cheerful and friendly as Hongjoong would experience this? When he, after being rude to everyone experiences the opposite until the people themselves understand that he doesn't want to be friends with anyone.

He just stood there thinking about Hongjoong. He couldn't help but want to know more about him. He just wanted to hear his sweet and cheerful voice again. He just wanted to talk to him once.

"Shut up Seonghwa, You can't think like this!!" He heard his inner-self say. "You don't deserve to be happy, Seonghwa. You would just end up alone, remember this!" He heard his inner-self say this again. And just after he heard that, he came to his senses.

"No, what am I thinking? Am I crazy?" He said to himself before he just looked at the moon once again saying "I don't deserve anything!" and then he just went back inside and climbed under his covers. He fell asleep, more of tried to fall asleep. "He is not different, he is not. He surely is like the others only." He said to himself so that he can stop his mind to think about Hongjoong and get some sleep.

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