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They were currently walking down the hallway with no idea as to where they were heading theirselves to. Walking quietly with no thoughts to actually break the silence they reached the school grounds out of the corridors. That's when Yunho decided to speak up.

"Hey, Guys I think Seonghwa should go home to have a proper rest just like the doctor said." He saw the other two older faces look at him, one with a face showing agreement while the other was expressionless as usual. "No, guys it's alright! I don't need it! I am okay!" Seonghwa tried assuring the two but what stopped him from further protests was Hongjoong's stare- more of glare.

Yunho could actually look through how Hongjoong cared about Seonghwa to the point he acted like this. Like what? Like someone who is so close to Seonghwa that he has the whole soul right to scold Seonghwa for his stubborn behaviour just by a glare. And on top of that, it actually worked on Seonghwa. Smiling a little at the cute scene in front of him, Yunho cleared his throat.

"So it's settled Seonghwa is going home to rest." Yunho said smiling a little while Seonghwa just looked defeated. "Okay." Seonghwa mumbled not quite actually believing he was agreeing to this. After getting his stuff Seonghwa and the other two were on their journey to see Seonghwa off to home when they heard Seonghwa speak out. "Guys do I really have to go." Seonghwa really didn't want to go home.

After that day when Hongjoong gave him the bracelet, Seonghwa has actually started to feel somewhat......lonely? And now after he became friends with another person, he just wants to be here. He doesn't want to actually go back home, cause that home just feels too lonely. Seeing Seonghwa's face not showing any signs of wanting to go home, Hongjoong decided something.

"Yunho, since the only class I have next is with Wooyoung and YeoSang, can you ask them to take notes for me? I'll go with Seonghwa and look after his stubborn self." Yunho and Seonghwa heard Hongjoong's words, Seonghwa getting a little surprised while Yunho just gave a small grin and a nod indicating he'll ask them to.

"Hey Hongjoong! You don't need to-" Before Seonghwa could finish Hongjoong was already standing in front of him with his bag held by one hand securing it from falling from his shoulder, while the other hand was just held in front of him, as if asking for something to be given. Seonghwa looked confused at Hongjoong's face which gave an impression he wasn't satisfied with his reaction to his hand held in front of him.

Yunho on the other side was actually a little confused as well, he had no idea what was the actual thing Hongjoong wanted to be given. "Seonghwa" Hongjoong spoke out quite frustrated at the other's weird and confused behaviour. "Ah... yes?" Seonghwa spoke a little hesitant not knowing what to do.

Sighing, Hongjoong understood the other was just stupid enough to not understand until verbal language was used. "Okay, I need the keys! You know, the small shining object people use, to start a bike?" Hongjoong spoke out sarcastically, enough done with the frustrating behaviour of Seonghwa.

Finally, getting some sense knocked in his otherwise confused head Seonghwa searched for his keys in his bag dumbly, not even thinking about why Hongjoong needed them in the first place. Finding them in the front zip he took them out, before extending his hand towards Hongjoong, the keys hanging in the air. Even before he could react to what actually took place in front of him, he was dragged by Hongjoong yet again.

"Goodbye Yunho see ya tomorrow!!" Yunho looked amused at the whole scene in front of him before breaking out in a laugh after he saw that the two were out of his field of vision. They surely felt like a....couple? Sorry for the weird thoughts but that's what Yunho felt watching them the whole time.

The way Hongjoong gave a stern look, glare or any other similar expression. The way Seonghwa immediately shut up and didn't bother to work up his mouth anymore after that, slightly scared. The way Seonghwa got confused and Hongjoong just went on with his demanding self. The way Seonghwa's tall self got dragged by Hongjoong's tiny figure, giving him no chance to give out protests or utter even a goodbye.

❝𝐁𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄❞Where stories live. Discover now