29 || Birthday

225 21 12

A few days later and it was Hongjoong's birthday just a few hours apart from him. Lying in his bed, wide awake Hongjoong looked at the ceiling as nothing but moonlight illuminated the room in it's pretty blueish white glow. It was sure cold outside but Hongjoong loved the moon tonight and how it glowed. Hongjoong was waiting when it turned 12. And to pass his time till then Hongjoong just thought.

Thought about everything that took place through these days after Seonghwa's outburst that evening. Hongjoong smiled a little, his smile visibly a warm one. He felt relieved and happy that Seonghwa finally trusted him to share his problems with him. He was happy that he has finally started to open up to the others. After knowing things about Seonghwa, Hongjoong would bring Seonghwa home more often especially because grandma was here.

He wanted Seonghwa to feel the love he deserves and he could see Seonghwa was happy. Grandma was more than happy to cook for Seonghwa and not just Hongjoong. She would love Seonghwa like her own child. She would often feed him with her own hands to which Seonghwa would always deny yet give in at the end. The best part about many things of his everyday routine was that either they would meet or talk through phone. There wasn't a single day they wouldn't meet or talk.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa would often forget the time while chatting on the phone at night resulting in them staying up till 4 am at times. It wasn't like Hongjoong wouldn't pester Seonghwa to get to bed or Seonghwa wouldn't do the same but in the end it was as if both of them knew the don't want to. Today sadly though, Seonghwa hadn't texted him. Hongjoong did text him but he said he is a little tired and that he would get to bed early. Hongjoong didn't bother him after that, slightly happy Seonghwa was going to bed early tonight.

The wind blew making Hongjoong's already slightly messy hair dance. Giggling at the feeling of them moving over his eyes, Hongjoong looked beside him to pick up his phone. Lighting up the screen, Hongjoong saw it was 11:50 pm. Smiling a little, Hongjoong got up from his bed and went to his desk to pick up a notebook. Tearing apart a paper, Hongjoong smiled before getting a pen from the side.Sitting at the desk, Hongjoong starts writing.

Dear Me, I was able to pass another year and soon I will be 21. As always I have some wishes so I'll them down here.

1. Keep my grandma happy and healthy forever. She is the only one I had since I was a kid.
2. I wish wherever Mom and Dad are, they are happy.
3. Also, I hope Jungkook is healthy and my new friends here receive all the happiness too.

Some yearly goals aren't gonna be missed of course;)

1. I want to work harder for both my parents and grandma.
2. I will try my best to never hurt anyone, especially my friends.
3. I want to help my friends and anyone who needs me.

Hongjoong finishes writing on the paper before putting it aside and tearing up another one. Smiling more wider, Hongjoong starts writing again.

Dear me, I know I write only once but this year I have a reason to write twice. And the reason is Seonghwa.

Please give him all the happiness and love he deserves. He deserves a lot more than he got till now, and I want to give all those he deserves. And for that I want to wish that Seonghwa trusts me enough to know I am here for him. And not just now but forever and ever. Please keep him safe because I don't want to lose him ever. I love him alot.

Taking a deep breath in, Hongjoong took both the papers before moving his hands in holding them neatly into two paper planes. Coming up to the window, Hongjoong looks at the moon as he slowly stretches his arm out of the window before letting the first one fly off in the night sky. Looking lovingly at the second one still in his hands, Hongjoong stays there until he looks at his phone screen to see 11:59 am. Waiting till it said 12, Hongjoong stared at the screen. But as soon as it turned 12 his room door burst open to reveal his friend, Mingi with the others.

❝𝐁𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄❞Where stories live. Discover now