24 || Like Before

227 21 2

The next day Seonghwa woke up to a good mood. He had the usual nightmare but it didn't feel as scary as it used to, also the fact that he has been seeing Hongjoong's face at the end from sometime now. He just feels calmer every night unlike before. As for the cigarette it's still at the nightstand calling to be used. Seonghwa has been controling the urge a little but it's not big enough to use it yet.

Getting out of his house, Seonghwa locks the door, stuffing the keys in his bag while the bike keys jingled in his hand. Going towards the bike, Seonghwa put on the helmet and starts his journey to school where he has to face different events. The bike ride was quick yet during the ride Seonghwa couldn't help but think how yesterday went like. The way Hongjoong was so happy.

Seonghwa reaches school and parks his bike in the parking area and proceeds inside the school gates to get to his locker. He, after getting his books was heading away from the lockers, when he heard footsteps from behind him and suddenly felt a hand at his shoulder. Turning his head to see it was none other than Hongjoong's friend from yesterday, Yunho. Looking at him, he analyzed his appearance properly.

Yunho had black hair and wore a dark blue shirt with grey faded jeans and sure enough his height was a few centimetres more than him. He really was quite tall compared to anyone in the school. He saw Yunho smile a little at him. Having nothing in mind, he returned the smile with a hesitant one as well. "Hey, Seonghwa! How are you feeling now?" He heard Yunho ask while walking beside him.

"Ah, I-I'm alright now. Thanks!" Seonghwa stuttered out his answer to Yunho who looked as if he didn't mind his stuttering a single bit. "That's good. You should take more care of yourself from now on. We were worried." Yunho voiced out his concerns regarding Seonghwa who just couldn't believe his words.

He couldn't believe what Yunho said to him. Why would someone be worried for him, especially one who isn't Hongjoong and doesn't even know him properly? His heart felt a different warmth inside it. He probably never expected people to be this way to him but seeing Hongjoong and now Yunho and what Yunho is saying about himself and his other friends, he just finds himself so wrong. Wrong for having such a perspective about others just because a particular someone matched that perspective.

Just because that particular someone sowed the seed of loneliness and fear in him, he ended up growing it much and much more until he forgot what others truly are or could be. Until a particular someone came in his life to make him realise. Until that particular someone brought many more with him as an evidence to prove his thinking wrong. Until, Hongjoong came.

"Hey Seonghwa! Yunho!" They heard Hongjoong running towards them from the other side seeing whom both Seonghwa and Yunho smiled. Yunho's smile was like usual, all cheerful and energetic while Seonghwa's smile was still learning to come on his face and so it was small but held happiness and gratefulness to the other. "Hey guys! I see you're having fun without me huh?" Hongjoong spoke pouting acting he felt left out.

"No! It's not like that Hongjoong!" Seonghwa immediately answered back getting easily fooled by Hongjoong's antics. Yunho smirked a little amused as he saw the sudden worry that lit up in Seonghwa's eyes just after what Hongjoong said. "Hahaha! Seonghwa I was just joking hahaha!" Seonghwa stood there not understanding like usual while he saw Hongjoong laugh in which Yunho joined as well.

He just didn't understand what happened that they laughed as if there is no tomorrow but seeing them laugh, especially Hongjoong, it made him feel really good that he chuckled a bit as well rubbing the back of his head. For the first time.

Hongjoong heard the little sound that left Seonghwa's mouth while he rubbed the back of his head. Seonghwa looked cute but most importantly he looked happy, the first time he saw this much happiness, the first time he heard him chuckle, and the first time he felt that his efforts are showing results little by little.

"Hey Seonghwa, by the way I came up with something." Yunho spoke out after he finally found the situation normal enough to talk again. "Huh? What is it Yunho?" Hongjoong asked anticipating an answer to his curiousity. Seonghwa just looked at him as well a little curious.

"I thought that we can have Seonghwa know everyone of us by meeting two at a time, that way he can get used to us and he won't faint either." Yunho spoke out his thoughts with a cheeky grin. Hearing Yunho, Hongjoong immediately beamed impressed with the idea. "Yunho, you're right! Seonghwa can make friends without having problems either." He said looking at Seonghwa for any sort of reaction from him.

Seonghwa just stood there not knowing what to do and so after a little time he just gave a small smile and nodded. Maybe Yunho's idea wasn't that bad either. "Woohoo!! I'm so happy!" Hongjoong jumped up and down from Seonghwa's little gesture of approval. His heart felt like a butterfly that was so happy that it wanted to fly away.

He was happy that Seonghwa was trying to help himself, and that finally he would have more people around him. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa who had a small smile on his face as he looked at him. Stoping his gaze on him, he gave a warm smile with a nod towards him. Suddenly, the bell started ringing indicating they have gotten late. Not having time to say proper goodbyes until they meet next, all three of them hurried to their classes.

Hongjoong went on his way to meet YeoSang and San for his class while Seonghwa went on his way to his own class. Yunho on the other hand found himself in the same class as Mingi. He hasn't talked much with Mingi other than in school for two days now. To be exact Mingi didn't feel much bothered either until now. He sat beside him like usual and Yunho could see Mingi a little different than his usual manner.

"Hey Yunnie! Are you alright?" Mingi asked with a sense of curiosity to see if Yunho was alright or not. He was a little worried since he hadn't heard from him at all for two days when both of them wouldn't leave each other's side even after school. "Huh?I'm alright, What would happen to me?" Yunho voiced out each word trying to sound as normal as he can but failing in doing so cause Mingi knew better than to get fooled from that tone of Yunho.

"Yunnie! Don't lie from me. I can see you aren't alright." Mingi said to Yunho who didn't look at him and just tried to look elsewhere. Yunho didn't answer to Mingi who just wouldn't stop asking. "Yunnie! Why aren't you answering me??" Mingi said again for the tenth time when he got an answer. "I am fully alright! Now can you stop Mingi!" Yunho said sternly before the teacher came and the class started.

Mingi wasn't sure why has Yunho been this way lately. Whenever he wants to talk either Jongho is around or Yunho doesn't want to answer properly. Yunho has even stopped having eye contact with him. Something was really wrong but he doesn't know what.

The class went on silently with Mingi giving a glance to Yunho every now and then but he never got anything in return. Not a single word nor a single smile or look back. Sighing Mingi gathered his books only to look at the empty seat beside him, Yunho had left long ago murmuring something like he had some work to do. He had gone without even waiting for an answer back.

It was really weird as Yunho would always tell him everything and he never did anything alone either. Mingi always knew what was happening with him. But recently it was as if Yunho was trying his best to distance himself from him. It felt as if Yunho had something bothering him but he didn't want to share it with him.

Sighing Mingi just shook his head off and left the classroom. While on his way to his locker he saw Hongjoong with someone. That someone was the blonde haired guy that Hongjoong has become friends with recently. Seonghwa. He saw how Hongjoong laughed with him while he had a small smile at his face. It made him remember how he and Yunho were, a time ago. If only he knew what was the reason of Yunho distancing himself from him. He wants Yunho's self to be like before.

Hope everyone is doing good! Things haven't been much nice for me lately but I hope they are for you all. Just know if ever something goes wrong and you feel no one is there, I AM HERE FOR YOU.

I am by your side guys. You are not alone. I love you all<333
Take care ❤️❤️

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