C. 3 - Questions

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After the boat had docked, garrison soldiers led the injured to one building and military police led everyone else to the refuge building. I had sat there for a while seeing as I was only cut and there were people who had lost limbs and others with broken bones.

A little while later a younger nurse walked near my area and treated me. She didn’t ask any questions as she cleaned up my cut. Which I was glad for.

She put a bandage on my face and taped it off. “I’ll give you some for a few days, when you run out come back and ask for more. You can go head to the rest of the refugees now.” 

I knew the lady was feeling stressed because she’s been running low on supplies and had to hear everyone crying for the entire day. I felt bad for her but there was nothing I could do. 

Or was there?

On my way out I walked past the storage area that held the rest of the medical supplies. I looked behind me to make sure no one else was looking, ‘Yolo’ I walked into the room and shut the door lightly behind me. The room was barely lit with only one torch in the room. 

‘What if I do have some sort of powers?’ 

The dude did say save humanity, how would I do that without powers. Plus I did script that I would have powers. 

I pull out an empty crate and close my eyes. One hand on each side I imagine it filling with the bandages that the nurse had handed me. I feel tingling in my palms and slowly open my eyes. 


In front of me was an entire crate filled to the brim with bandages. I would have done more but I heard voices near me and I got scared. I could come back later. 

I open the door a crack and see someone walking straight this way. There was only one way in or out, I lightly shut the door again and leaned against the wall and shut my eyes. Hoping whoever was walking this way would just keep walking. For a couple of seconds I heard them talking with someone else and I thought that the coast was clear,

then the door opened. 

I shut my eyes and flinched away at the sound of the door opening. I used to hate getting yelled at by my dad, it always made me cry.

“Huh what's this?” I slowly open one eye to see the nurse from earlier holding a clipboard and counting. “I swore I thought there were only six crates..” 

‘Does she not see me?’ 


Whatever this is the perfect time to sneak out. I stay leaned up against the wall until I’m out of the door. I turn back one last time to see the nurse scratching her head and muttering to herself. 


3rd Person POV

Drew was walking towards a larger building that had a lot of people standing around. 

Drew was still far out, away from everyone's eyes as she got curious. 

“If I can make supplies appear out of my hand what else can I do?” The now short freckled preteen asks no one in particular. 

Millions of thoughts ran through her head as she stopped walking and sat below a large tree. From here she can still hear the wounded crying from the infirmary. 

‘Should I go look for Eren, Armin and Mikasa?’ 

‘Should I leave them be and affect the plot as little as possible?’ 

Drew’s hazel brown eyes looked up towards the horizon. Slowly watching the sun reach below the walls. 

She was conflicted, but she knew what to do.

Slowly rising off the ground and pulling her bag onto her shoulders, she starts walking to nowhere in particular.


AN, heh sorry for the short filler I just wanted y’all to know how Drew separates from the Golden trio and if I put this in the next chapter or the one before it would have been really long. 

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