C. 23

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Thanks for 23k reads you sexy beasts ;)

"What are you doing here Drew?"

Drew looked up from her broken wrist and up to Reiner. She smiled and returned to inspecting her wrist.

"Drew." Reiner called out.


"I asked you a question."

"And I refuse to acknowledge it." She looked down from her perch on the tree and saw a pretty hefty fall.

She heard Reiner groan and Bertholdt whispering something to his comrade.

"Where are you going?" Bertholdt asked when Drew stood up.

"I have to... pee." She blushed and jumped off. "Be back soon! Don't leave without me!"

"We should leave without her." Reiner said once the sound of her odm gear died out.

"Yes. Definitely."


After doing her business in a bush, Drew took her sweet time getting back to her two kidnapped friends. She didn't want to hear Reiner ranting on about how he "had" to return with Eren. It reminded her of having debates in class with the lowkey high key racist boy.

She tried to sneak her way back into the group unnoticed but something felt off. It felt like something was going to happen to her half assed "pitch perfect" plan.

"-and besides Ymir." She heard Reiner through the trees. "Did you think Drew was the only one here who could do all that?"

"What are you talking about?" Ymir made eye contact with Drew who was holding onto a branch behind Reiner and Bertholdt.

Eren also seemed to notice but got the memo to not point her out to the two.

"You know what I mean. Her special abilities."

"Abilities?" Eren asked. "Is she a titan shifter."

"Oh shes much more dangerous than a titan shifter. And it's a good thing she's not the only one or else we would all be screwed."

"Ho- how many are there like Drew."

"Just the one. Her names-"

"Reiner. Enough." Bertholdt tossed his head back and they turned around and saw Drew staring at them.

She smirked and jumped onto their tree. "I don't think there's anyone like me here. Literally. I'm one of a kind."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, I'm like so much better and prettier and smarter an-"

"Waaaaa!!" Drew screamed as she was kicked off of the tree branch unexpectedly. 

A gust of wind shot out of both of her hands to stop her fall, she used her momentum and turned around to see someone jump of the branch after her.

Drew set herself onto the ground and took off her odm gear before the person showed up infront of her.

"Who are you?" She demanded as she looked at the hooded figure infront of her.

"Who am I?" A feminine voice asked. "Who are you? Disrupting the time line and stopping the demise of the human race?"

Drew stared at them for a moment with their hands held out in confusion. "I don't get it. Are you like apart of the TVA or-"

The mysterious girl lunged forward and punched Drew in the nose. "Fiesty." Drew mumbled and grabbed onto the girl and tossed her through a tree.

what a time - AOT GIRLS X FEM!OCWhere stories live. Discover now