CH 10: Bodies Collide

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[Thank you for over 1k reads on this story! I'm so happy you all are enjoying my weird fanfic XP I honestly thought no one would read this because I would make it too boring, but a lot of you say that you love how I'm writing this and that just means the world to me! I'm happy that I can entertain you all with my stories and I hope you continue to read this! I just felt like I should thank you all!^^]

"Like what the actual fuck." Eunhyuk said dropping his suitcases.

He gave Donghae an irritated stare and walked past him to examine more of the room. He purposefully bumped shoulders with Donghae as he passed him, making Donghae have to take a deep breath so he didn't get too mad at Eunhyuk.

"Of course there's only one fucking bed!" Eunhyuk yelled from the bedroom. "Who the hell do they think we are? Friends? I don't think so."

Donghae walked into the bedroom and saw the queen sized bed Eunhyuk was complaining about.

"You're sleeping on the couch." Eunhyuk said turning around to face Donghae.

"What? No I'm not."

"Well, you're not sleeping in the same bed as me and there's no way I'm going to be sleeping on the couch."

Donghae was tired of being pushed and shoved around by Eunhyuk and his jackass attitude, so he made a daring move.

"Well, either you're going to have to sleep on the couch or deal with me sleeping in the bed as well. Your call." Donghae said turning around and walking away to get his suitcases.

The lack of response from Eunhyuk behind him let Donghae know that Eunhyuk was speechless and defeated, making Donghae smirk with victory. Donghae grabbed his suitcases and brought them back into the bedroom and started unpacking his clothes into the dresser in front of the bed. The dresser had a huge flat screen TV sitting on it which made Donghae excited about future movies nights he was about to have.

Once Donghae was finished unpacking his clothes, he went into the bathroom to start unpacking his toiletries there. He entered to see Eunhyuk unpacking his toiletries as well and only glanced at Donghae when he entered. Neither one of them said a word to each other and settled into the hotel room in an awkward silence. When Eunhyuk was done unpacking, he walked into the living room to see Donghae sitting on the couch playing with his phone.

"What's the schedule for the next few weeks?" Eunhyuk asked.

Donghae sighed because all of the students were given the schedules at the airport, and obviously Eunhyuk was too lazy to read it.

"Today and tomorrow we're suppose to stay our hotel rooms and settle in, we're not allowed to leave without having a good excuse and telling a teacher first."

"Yeah, I don't feel like staying here. I'm going out." Eunhyuk said turning around and leaving without another word.

Donghae tried to call after Eunhyuk to stop him, but he was completely ignored as usual. Donghae took a deep and irritated sigh and put his phone away.

"Idiot. What the hell is wrong with him?" Donghae said to himself as he stood up and headed for the bathroom.

Since it was late, Donghae decided to take a nice and relaxing shower to calm down his irritated Eunhyuk feels. Once he finished his shower, he stepped out and realized there was no towel anywhere in the bathroom.

"Aw shit.." Donghae muttered to himself.

Donghae creaked open the door and took a peak around the room. He didn't see or hear anyone as he saw a pile of towels sitting at the edge of the bed. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and closed it behind him.

His back was now facing the bedroom and as soon as Donghae left the bathroom completely naked, Eunhyuk walked into the bedroom too distracted by his phone to notice Donghae at all. Eunhyuk was standing by the side of the bed finishing a text he was about to send when something big and heavy fell on top of him and pinned him onto the bed.

Donghae had backed up from the bathroom door not noticing Eunhyuk walk in, so when Donghae turned around to try and quickly grab the pile of towels, he turned around and slammed right into Eunhyuk causing both of them to fall into the bed together.

Donghae and Eunhyuk's faces were only inches apart as their bodies were pressed firmly against one another. Donghae's hands instinctively went to Eunhyuk's hips as Eunhyuk's arms fell above his head. The two only stared at each other for a few seconds from both surprise and shock. Neither one of them expected this kind of outcome and were both just frozen laying on top of each other.

Eunhyuk was the first to come back to his senses as he quickly pushed Donghae off of him and rushed to the other side of the bed. Donghae grabbed hold of the blanket on the bed as he fell so that he could have some kind of cover over himself. Donghae struggled to his feet while he wrapped the blanket around his hips.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing?!" Eunhyuk stuttered.

Donghae mumbled and moved his lips as if he was trying to say something, but he was still in so much shock that his mouth couldn't form words.

"I-I-I just needed a-a towel and-and there wasn't any in the b-bathroom..." Donghae couldn't do anything but stutter his sentences.

Donghae got down on his knees so that the bed was covering his lower regions and removed the blanket around him to wrap a towel around him instead. Once the towel was safely around his hips, he ran back into the bathroom to dry himself and get dressed.

Eunhyuk just stood on the opposite side of the bed speechless. His breathing was heavy and his mind was blank.

"What the hell just happened?" Eunhyuk said.

Eunhyuk could feel his body shaking so he slowly and calmly lowered himself onto the bed and instantly fell asleep once his head hit the pillow. Soon Donghae cautiously exited the bathroom, now completely dressed, but was scared of facing Eunhyuk again after what happened. He calmed down a little when he saw the dancer sleeping blissfully on the bed.

Donghae walked over to Eunhyuk and slowly lifted up his body, pulled the blankets out from under him, and wrapped Eunhyuk cozily into the blankets. Donghae watched Eunhyuk sleep for a few moments after placing the blankets over his body. He didn't seem like the mean and aggressive bully that haunted the halls of their school, but he seemed like an innocent little boy sleeping away a stressful day. Donghae loved the way the moonlight bounced off of Eunhyuk's face through the window making it seem like he was glowing.

Donghae sighed as he looked at the other end of the bed completely open and available for him to sleep in, but after what happened today, Donghae complied to Eunhyuk's demand of him sleeping on the couch, at least for tonight. Same as Eunhyuk, Donghae fell asleep as soon as his head hit the couch cushion and fell into an amazing sleep, ready and hoping for tomorrow to be a better day.

[To Be Continued...]

[I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment your opinions on the chapter and the story. I love reading comments and the more comments on a chapter the more excited I get to write the next chapter! So please tell me how you feel about what's going on so I know that I'm heading in the right direction with the story! Thanks!]

From Enemies to Lovers (An Eunhae Fanfic) BoyXBoy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now