CH 26: Big Reveal

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About a week had pasted since getting back to school. Donghae tried to see Eunhyuk outside of the practice room, but Eunhyuk was either too busy or was too scared for them to be seen together. Donghae dreaded not being around Eunhyuk like he use too. He missed the sweet moments they shared and only wanted them back. He wanted to proclaim his love for Eunhyuk over the rooftops, but he knew he couldn't.

One day after practice was running long, Siwon was making his way down to Eunhyuk's room to see if he wanted to hang out. As he entered the hallway, he could hear music and voices coming from the other side of the practice room.

To his surprise he didn't hear fighting and arguing like he thought he would hear, instead he heard laughing and sweet words being exchanged from Donghae to Eunhyuk and back.

Siwon knew it would be rude to just walk in on their practice, so instead he decided to put his ear close to the door and listen intently.

"How can I do that with my feet? It looks impossible." Donghae said on the other side of the door.

"Here, just watch how I do it okay." Eunhyuk said back.

Siwon then heard footsteps across the floor, he knew this was probably Eunhyuk showing Donghae how to do whatever they were talking about.

"Oh I get it now." Donghae said.

Siwon then I heard a large thump from the other side of the door.

"Oh shit!" Donghae said.

Siwon rolled his eyes at himself from the clumsiness of his friend.

"Idiot." Eunhyuk said.

Siwon could hear Eunhyuk's footsteps approaching Donghae.

"Eunhyuk no! Stop!" Donghae said.

When Siwon heard his friend begging Eunhyuk to stop whatever he was doing, he was tempted to barge in and stop them, but to Siwon's surprise he could hear Donghae laughing frantically.

He was panting and screaming with laughter. Siwon figured Eunhyuk was probably tickling him, but Eunhyuk would never do something like this, not even to Leeteuk and Yesung.

As curiosity got the best of him, Siwon quietly opened the door slightly, being barely able to see what was actually going on in the practice room.

He saw that Eunhyuk was laying over top of Donghae's body, sitting on his torso and tickling him all over his body. Since Donghae is a very ticklish person, he couldn't help but flail and kick his body parts all over the place, attempting to push Eunhyuk off of him.

Once Eunhyuk thought Donghae finally had enough, he put his arms down and stopped his frantic tickling. The two then just stared at each other in complete silence, gazing deeply into each others eyes.

Eunhyuk then leaned down and planted a soft kiss on to Donghae's lips, making Donghae smile beneath the dancer above him.

Siwon silently gasped to himself as he witnessed this whole scene play out. He was so taken back that he almost forgot how to breathe for a moment. Siwon continued observing as he saw Eunhyuk slowly placing kisses onto Donghae's neck playfully.

"Eunhyuk not now." Donghae said with a smile on his face as he continued to try and push Eunhyuk off of his body.

"You're so cute when you try to push me away." Eunhyuk said continuing to trail kisses down Donghae's neck.

"Seriously, you need to get off me. What if someone comes in and sees us like this?" Donghae said still smiling at his affectionate partner.

"Uhg fine." Eunhyuk said standing up and holding out his hand to Donghae.

As the two continued on with their practice normally, Siwon quickly got to his feet and ran to his room in shock. He entered his room and ran to his bedroom, falling face-first onto the bed.

"What the hell did I just watch?!" Siwon said to himself as his voice was muffled from the blankets.

Siwon turned himself around and laid his head on his pillows, placing his arms over his eyes as he tried to gather his thoughts together.

"When could this have happened? They've NEVER liked each other once and now they're just making-out on the floor!" Siwon said sitting up.

"Should I tell the others?... No I can't do that to Donghae. Maybe I should just talk to him about it tomorrow and get an answer straight from him. Maybe by then I'll have calmed down enough..." Siwon was then interrupted when he heard a knock on his door.

"Siwon it's Donghae! Remember it's our movie night tonight! I brought the movie like I said!" Donghae said from the other side of the door.

Siwon froze in panic. He totally forgot that him and Donghae set up a movie for tonight. Siwon didn't even know if he was even ready to look Donghae in the eyes, even if he wasn't going to ask him about the practice or not.

Donghae continued to call and knock on the door from the other side.

"Siwon I know you're in there! You never leave your room this late and you don't go to bed this early! Cmon man, we've been planning this for a week now!"

Donghae kept up with his persistent calls and whatnot until finally Siwon got up and answered the door. He opened the door with a cold expression on his face which made Donghae step back.

"Woah, you okay Siwon? I've never seen you look this.... Upset or stressed before." Donghae said walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

"I um.. It's just.. Can you set up the movie?" Siwon stuttered.

Donghae gave a confused expression as he walked over to the TV and started setting it up. Siwon went into the kitchen to make popcorn and get drinks. He still didn't know whether or not he should approach Donghae on what happened in the practice room. Was it his place to? He was spying without them knowing so would asking just be considered rude or intruding? Suddenly Siwon felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head around to see a concerned Donghae.

"Seriously are you okay Siwon? You seem really off."

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"Siwon, you've been pouring water into that cup for like 5 minutes now."

Siwon looked down at his hand in the sink to see the cup he was holding under the running water overflowing completely. Siwon quickly turned off the facet and emptied the cup, grabbing a towel to dry off his hand.

"I can tell something's bothering you. Wanna talk about it?" Donghae asked.

"Well... It's not necessarily what happened to me exactly, it's just... I saw someone doing something I never would've expected..."

"Really? Do you know them?" Donghae asked leading Siwon over to the couch with him.

"Yeah, we're really close actually.."

"Please don't tell me it was Kangin or Kyuhyun was it?"

"No no, they're fine.."

"Well was it recent?"

"Just saw it today.."

"Can you just tell me what happened already!" Donghae said dying from curiosity.

"I saw you and Eunhyuk kissing in the practice room earlier okay!" Siwon blurted out.

[To Be Continued...]

[Hello everyone! Wow it's been awhile hasn't it XD well I hope you all are doing well, especially since school has probably started for most of you (myself included-_-) but now that I'm back in school, this is usually when I find the time and urge to write. Yeah I like to write during freetime I have in my classes^^ I hope to start updating regularly like I did before, but again my life is pretty hectic to don't be surprised if it takes me time to update every once in awhile. Haha but I hope you enjoyed this long awaited chapter and I hope you all still love my stories! Thank you everyone!]

From Enemies to Lovers (An Eunhae Fanfic) BoyXBoy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now