Teasing for the temptation🌶

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"Good morning Y/n." Hawks said as you walked into the living room.

"Good morning Keigo." You replied with a yawn.

"Aw you called me something other than Hawks."

"Guess I really am making progress." You said with a small smile.

"Next you'll want a baby."

Your face slowly paled. "So...um what's for breakfast?" You asked trying to avoid his comment.

"Me." He gave you a cheeky smile.

"I mean actual food."

"Oh that's in the microwave, but after that how about you have me for lunch." Hawks suggested.

"Go touch some grass you horny bird." You deadpanned as you pushed a button on the microwave.

"Come on babybird you know you love me."

"You're right."


You were cuddled up under Hawks wings listening to him tell you about his past patrols.

"How does patrol without me feel?"

"It's pretty lonely," he admitted. "But don't worry you'll be back on the job soon." Hawks gave you a gentle peck on the lips.

Soon Hawks phone started ringing.

"Oh hey Endeavor how are you?" He asked as he picked up his phone.

"You stupid bird I've been calling you and you didn't answer!" You heard Endeavor yell.

"No need to yell I was busy."

While Hawks had his conversation with Endeavor you gently brushed his feathers enjoying the sight of his face heating up from you.

"We'll be there soon." Hawks said before hanging up.

"Now about you." He said with a small growl.

"I did nothing wrong." You replied acting innocent.

"You can't expect to tease me and get away with it." Hawks leaned close to your ear. "Guess I'll have to get my revenge."

You heard two 'ding' sounds.

Endeavor: Don't be late
Endeavor: And don't get sidetracked by chicken!

"Guess I'll have to get my revenge after this meeting Endeavor planned." Hawks groaned. "We better get our hero costumes on."

You gave Hawks a confused look. "We?"

"Yeah Endeavor said you need to come too."

"So cock blocked by Endeavor." You said playfully as you got off the couch.

"I'll get you after this."


"It's about time you both got here." Endeavor said. "Come on the others are already waiting."

'We can't even get a greeting? Now I know why people call him flaming trash' you thought as you walked into the building.

"Hawks please start your explanation." Endeavor directed.

Hawks walked towards the giant white board and picked up a marker.

"Thank you all for coming to this meeting." Hawks smiled. "That was planned behind my back." He mumbled.

He grabbed a pointer wand. "Now onto today's topic."

'He's the perfect combination of cute and sexy' you thought as your thoughts stared to wander.

Before you knew it you started chewing on your pen not acknowledging that Hawks started to lose focus on what he was saying.

-Minor time skip-

"We'll all meet back here at 5pm sharp, so please don't be late you hear that Ms. Steel Chain?" Hawks said.

'Wait but wasn't he my ride to get here? ' You asked yourself.

"I'll try." You replied sheepishly from getting called out by your boyfriend.

"Thank you, now any questions?" He asked waving the pointer wand around. "If there are no questions the meeting has come to an end."

Everyone got up and left the room and you slowly followed.

"But you..." Hawks said into your ear. "We still have a meeting to attend."

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