Date night: Take 2

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You were getting ready for a date with Hawks. It was a casual date at the movies, nothing you needed to get too dressed up for. You decided to wear (something casual). After grabbing your (choice of bag) you were ready to go.

"Hey baby bird ready to go?" You heard from outside your window.

"Hawks why are you outside my window?" You asked.

"The window was open plus it's faster than walking up all those stairs." Said the winged hero.

"I'll be down soon." You said grabbing your house keys.

"Are you really going to take the stairs just climb out the window." Hawks said.

"But what if I slip and fall."

"I won't let you fall, and even if you do I'll catch you." Hawks reached out his arms.

"Ok" you said slowly starting to climb out the window.

"Come on I promise you won't fall."

You were now on the edge of your windowsill hugging the brick wall. As you slowly made your way into Hawks arms your foot slipped.

'OH GOD OH GOD, THIS IS THE END OF ME!' You panicked internally. Soon you stopped falling. "Am I dead yet?" You asked covering your eyes.

"Nope but I am someone to be found in heaven." Hawks said cheekily.

"I thought I was going to die." You said trying to catch your breath. "I'm never doing that again." You gave Hawks a glare.

"You won't die on my watch Y/n." Hawks said with a smile. "And even if you did I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

You gave him a gentle smile.

"Oh is that KFC, let's go get some chicken!" Hawks said speeding towards the restaurant. You grabbed onto his shirt for dear life.

"Ah welcome what can I get for you?" Asked the cashier with a bright smile.

You waited for Hawks to order his chicken.

"Want anything Y/n?" Hawks asked you.

"Sure, how about (something kfc sells)."

Once Hawks received the order you two were back in the sky. You could see the sun setting over the tall downtown buildings. "This really is a birds eye view" you said looking over the warm lit city.

"Yeah it's a good view, but not as good as you." Hawks said.

You blushed looking away. " Do you really mean that?"

"Listen to me Y/n," Hawks whispered gently holding your chin up. " No matter what anyone says your perfect."

"Thank you Hawks."

"Now how bout' we get to the movie theaters?"

You nodded.


Hawks landed in front of the theater. "Two tickets for (movie name)."

"Ok that'll be 25.96" replied the worker.

"Hawks I can pay, since you have brought me food plenty of time." You offered.

"Don't worry about Babybird I have enough money to share." Hawks said with a smile.

"Don't say it like that you make me sound like a gold digger!" You said.

You and Hawks walked into the theater and took your seats. The previews were starting.

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