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"What time is it?" You groaned to yourself picking up your phone. "It's only 11:53 that means Hawks won't be back until 6 hours."

You where sitting alone on the couch since Hawks still had the day shift it was pretty quiet.

"I already hate the night shift and it hasn't even started." Just then an idea popped into your head. "Wait Hawks told me he's staying in his agency all day I'll just bring him lunch."

•Minor time skip•

"I'm pretty sure that's everything I need to pack." You said looking at the picnic basket. "Now I just need to go to Hawks agency."


You approached a set of glass doors with wing shaped door handles and pushed the buzzer.

"Name?" Someone said from the speaker next to the door on the right.

"Name as in my name or hero name?" You asked.

"Your hero name is fine."

"Steel Chain." You replied.

"Oh wasn't expecting you today come in."

The door buzzed signaling it was okay to open.

"Do you want me to tell Hawks that your here?" The receptionist asked.

"No, I want to surprise him." You said with a smile.

"His office is on the top floor room to your right."

"Thank you." You said making your way to the elevator.


You hopped out the elevator and walked to Hawks office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Hawks said.

"Surprise Hawks." You said as you walked into his office.

"Y/n what are you doing here?"

"I made you lunch." You showed him the picnic basket you brought. "I was thinking we could have a picnic."

"Aw you're all soft again." Hawks flew above you. "You missed me didn't you?"

"No, I just wanted to surprise you."

"You know you can't go a day without seeing me."

"That's you not me."

"Just admit it."

"I'm taking the picnic away." You turned to walk back to the elevator.

"No I was actually hungry." Hawks said stopping you. "But not exactly for a sandwich." He let out a carnal growl.

"I brought salad too."

"I'm not hungry for food at all." Hawks whispered in your ear and placed his hands on your hips. "How about we put this picnic on hold?"

"Hawks we're at your agency now isn't the time!" You said.

"My office is a private space, no one would interrupt the sweet sound of you moaning my name." Hawks said telling you about his erotic fantasy.

"I feel bad for the people who work here that hear you." You said slightly embarrassed pushing the elevator button.

"Don't be, the only other room up here is the storage closet with extra supplies."

"What if someone needs to go in the storage closet?" You asked stepping into the elevator.

"No one uses it unless the printer runs out of ink." Hawks followed you into the elevator. "We pretty much have the whole top level to ourselves, so you can be as loud as you want."

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