{Bonus} Witchly Ever After Encyclopedia

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This is the encyclopedia explaining the elements of my book such as the magic system, pet guides, Grimmdale itself, etc.


Grimmdale was founded by Edmund Lovell, the first descendant of the Grimm Brothers. He founded Grimmdale once he fell into a Wych Elm tree while being chased by witch hunters after he accidentally used his apex ability in front of villagers. Edmund saw Grimmdale as a place of protection for witches and wizards. He named the town after his ancestors and found out that many witches and wizards were the descendants of fairytale characters. Today, witches and wizards now live in Grimmdale for population and capacity reasons in order to keep a balance between their world and the human world. Obviously, it was based off of the wizarding world in Harry Potter (hint: Hazel's = Ollivander's Wands, Grimmdale Academy = Hogwarts, a whole world that is hidden from the mortal/muggle world).

Storybook Forest:

Storybook forest is a place that is hidden deep in the woods of Grimmdale. This forest holds trees from around the world. Each tree has a small hatch that is in the tree trunk or is hidden in the ground. The hatch would lead to a specific country where the tree is native. For example, the Wych Elm tree would lead to England or Siberia since that's where they are most common.

Grimdark Mountain:

Grimdark Mountain is where the Le Fay palace is located. It is surrounded by jagged rocks that have crystal shards hidden between the rocks to prevent anyone from climbing up into the palace vicinity. The mountain is also surrounded by withered beasts. People avoid the mountain in fear of getting bitten by withered beasts or captured by Arthur.


Petrification is the punishment someone can receive if they have committed high crimes. The person facing the punishment will be chained on a wooden platform in front of the entire town. Next, the crimes of the convicted will be listed as to why they are being petrified. After the crimes have been listed, the one being petrified will share their last words. Lastly, the police will use a spell to encase them in stone.

High Court of Grimmdale:

The High Court of Grimmdale is in charge of the town. The high court is run by the chairman and the vice chairman (just like in some countries where there is a president and vice president). The High court of Grimmdale was established after Edmund Lovell's death. Since then, they have been in charge of making the laws of Grimmdale, the magic system, and things like the witchcraft and wizardry exam.

The Witchcraft and Wizardry exam:

The witchcraft and wizardry exam is a special moment where witches and wizards abilities are put to test to receive their license to show that they are a certified witch or wizard. Witches and wizards would take this test after they graduate from secondary school and would go to the High Court to take the test. The user would be tested on basic spells, custom spells, charm spells, and their apex abilities. A witch or wizard would be graded on by their technique, incantation, and control over the spell. If a user scores a 0-59%, they fail, have to attend a training school, and later have to take the test again. If one scores a 60-88%, the user passes, gets their license, but is limited to perform certain spells. If a witch or wizard scores 89-100%, they receive their license, moves up to a professional magic user, and is able to perform stronger spells.

The Grimmdale family archives:

The Grimmdale family archives are books holding information about every family that resides in the town. They are held underneath Mother Goose's Library, owned by Mrs. Gosling. No one knows who writes the archives. Mrs. Gosling only approves of them to be held in the family archive room.

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