Chapter thirty

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I must be dead. I did see it. Mom being crushed under the remaining rubble from her shop. Is this her ghost or is it actually her? I looked over at Acelin. I scrambled over to her and placed my ear over her chest. She's still breathing, but it's getting short. I have time to save her.

I reached in my bag and pulled out some healing serum to give to her. I opened the bottle and opened her mouth to get her to drink. Acelin swallowed and opened her eyes, looking around slowly. Her eyes then rested on me.

"Rowan?" Acelin muttered, "You're okay."

I nodded, "Yeah I am, so are you. You took a hit for me."

"Rowan I-" Acelin paused, going into a frown, "I'm sorry, I was so awful to you. I guess ever since you got your powers and apex ability, I was so jealous that I had to ruin something that's really important than you." 

"It's okay Acelin." I smiled, "I wish I still had that necklace though."

Acelin reached in her pocket, "You mean this one?"

Acelin pulled out a stone shaped necklace, with a small crack going down the middle, and is attached to a red string. I took the necklace in my hand and admired it. She had it this whole time.

"Why did you keep this?" I asked.

"It was too sentimental for me to let go of, so I kept it." Acelin replied, "Plus it always served as my good luck charm."

"I'm glad you kept it." I said, handing the necklace back to her.

Acelin pushed my hand down, "Keep it. I'll find another good luck charm."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes." Acelin chuckled, attempting to stand. "Now go win your fight."

Acelin made it to her feet and limped her way out of the clock tower. I got up from the floor and made my way next to mom. Arthur's face was white and his eyes were filled with surprise when she saw mom. She had a look of anger that I have never seen before, her wand pointed at Arthur.

"There's no way you're alive." Arthur sputtered, backing away from mom. "You have to be a ghost."

"What's the matter, Arthur?" Mom taunted, "You never seen a duplication spell before?"

"Duplication spell?" Arthur queried, "You mean you-"

"I knew you were coming, so I made a duplicate of myself to take my place while I go to London and warn the citizens and my family about what was happening." Mom explained, "It did take a lot of convincing, but they got the idea."

"Typical." Arthur uttered, "Harkin always said you planned ahead, why am I surprised?"

"You're outmatched." I stated, "Are you going to give up now and forfeit?"

Arthur gave a low chuckle, "No, I won't give up. Just like you Rowan."

A huge gust of wind surrounded Arthur, causing me and mom to almost fall over. I blocked my face with my arm and looked over. I noticed that Arthur was growing. He doesn't even look like he's a human. Arthur continued to grow until he stopped.

Mom and I took a step back from Arthur with mortified expressions. Arthur has grown into the largest withered beast I have ever seen. Mom tried to cast a spell on him, but he deflected it with his tail.

"Let's get out of here!" Mom shouted.

I ran over to Carmine and picked her up from the floor. Mom and I ran out of the clock tower, the giant footsteps of Arthur chasing after us. Mom and I made it to where the police officers and Jadis were frozen and waved for them to follow us. 

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