Chapter five

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Acelin and Xanthe are going to poison Lumi. For what? I know she isn't the nicest person, but that doesn't mean that she deserves to be poisoned. I need to stop them before Lumi takes it and she gets sick or worse. 

I waited outside the courtyard for Acelin and Xanthe to come out, so I can follow them. I know that Xanthe spends her time in the art room while Acelin is playing chess with Finn Marmoreal. When I stop Xanthe and Acelin from poisoning Lumi, maybe it would be a good time to formally apologize to her. 

Acelin and Xanthe walked outside with the bottle. To avoid being seen by them, I walked in a different direction. Wherever they are going, I would be right next to them and they won't know it. 

After following them for some time, I noticed that I was starting to lose them. I started to run and lose them even more. Almost as if they know that I am there and they are trying to do this on purpose.

I kept running until I heard Acelin's voice. I stopped running, looked around and continued to follow the sound of her voice. In the clearing of the woods, Acelin, Xanthe, and Lumi were there. I snuck behind one of the trees and listened in. 

"And you're sure that this would work?" Lumi asked.

"Yes, it will." Acelin replied, "We even checked to make sure that there aren't any mistakes." 

They are lying through the teeth. Have the two of them gone mad? Acelin and Xanthe aren't nice people, but this is cruel. What are they going to get out of poisoning Lumi? Revenge? Is this to make Lumi feel bad and embarrass her? 

Lumi was going to take the bottle from them. I stepped out from behind the tree and waved my wand. The ground shook when I struck Acelin and Xanthe. 

Acelin and Xanthe froze in her place and I could see them trying to move. One thing they should know about my apex ability is that they won't be able to move. It's not permanent. They would only be stuck like this for a few hours unless I disable it. 

I took the bottle from Acelin's hand and smashed the contents on the ground. Lumi's face was in shock. When she looked at me, that shock went to anger. I raised my eyebrow at her. Why is she angry with me? If she would have taken it, who knows what would have happened to her? 

"What was that for!" Lumi yelled.

"More like thank you." I scoffed, "I was saving your life here."

"Saving my life?" Lumi queried, "From what?"

"Acelin and Xanthe were going to poison you." I claimed, "I saw them talking about it before they gave it to you."

"Medicine." Lumi said.

"Medicine?" I repeated, "What do you mean by medicine?" 

"The potion is medicine for Claus, my ferret." Lumi explained, "He's sick with Frost Fever and I couldn't find any medicine for him. When Acelin heard that he was sick, she and Xanthe offered to make the medicine to cure it. I wasn't all for it, but Xanthe managed to convinced me to agree and trust them." 

Acelin and Xanthe tried to nod their heads to confirm Lumi's claim. I looked at Lumi and she nodded as well. I waved my wand as the ground shook again and Acelin and Xanthe were able can move again, their eyes going to the broken bottle. 

"Acelin, you don't think that you could make another one could you?" Lumi asked. 

"Sorry, I can't." Acelin answered, "The ingredients I used aren't found around here. I wish I could make another one, but unless you know where I can get the ingredients, I can make you more than just that one." 

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