Chapter twenty-one

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The car ride home was quiet. Aunt Charlotte couldn't even look at me. Didn't even bother to let me explain the incident. I know when I step through that door, she is going to blow off. Before she can though, I am going to rehearse my argument in my head and hopefully I can make some good points to get Aunt Faela to understand.

Louis stopped the car in front of the house and we all got out. I went to change out of my dress into more comfortable clothes. After I slipped on my clothes, I sat down in the living room area and scrolled through my phone until Aunt Charlotte came down to talk to me. I was scrolling in the news section. Of course nothing is related to Grimmdale. I'm worried about everyone over there.

Nina and Dante came down into the living room and sat down. They are going to ask me about what happened at the party too and say something about it. 

"Did you two come to yell at me as well?" I mumbled, "Before you say anything, just know that it wasn't my fault that Xavier fell into his cake."

"No, we wanted to make sure that you're okay." Nina sighed, "With coming back to London and everything."

I shook my head, "No, I'm not. Everything back in Grimmdale is different compared to living here. I don't have my powers anymore, I don't know if my friends are still mad at me, and I don't know if Arthur is having something planned for Grimmdale. It's all stressful for me."

"I mean you could always go back without Charlotte and Jasper knowing." Nina suggested, "Just like they didn't know that I taught you magic."

"There's no point in doing that." I rebutted, "They'll find out about it.

"Nina, Dante." Aunt Charlotte called, "Can you two clear the room for a moment? I would like to talk to Rowan in private."

Nina and Dante looked at each other and got up from the couch. Once they were out of the living room, Aunt Charlotte sat in the same couch they were sitting in. It was quiet for the first couple of minutes, but I know that she is angry at me.

I won't be surprised if she grounds me and then wants me to write a formal letter to say sorry to the Baudelaires. I know she is not going to want that. She might not even be mad at me for it, but more like she is mad at me because every guest there is going to think negative of her. She always hated that.

"You embarrassed me Rowan." Aunt Charlotte acknowledged, "I told you not to make a scene at his party and you did. Why must you do the opposite of what is asked of you?"

"I embarrassed you?" I retorted, "He fell backwards and I barely did anything to him."

"Because you shoved him." Aunt Charlotte claimed, "For what reason?" 

"I pushed him because he did not let go of me when I told him to." I protested, "Not to mention he saw my ears." 

"Again with the ears." Aunt Charlotte groaned, "Who the hell cares?"

"Apparently people who have seen them." I muttered, "If I was back at Grimmdale, no one would care."

"Saying that is not going to convince me to let you go back to Grimmdale." Aunt Charlotte scoffed, smirking at me. "I don't want to hear you speak another word about it. Besides, you agreed to coming back here. Did you forget that?"

"Of course I-"

I closed my mouth. I did say that I would go back to Grimmdale because I don't have any magic and Arthur could be out to come kill me if I were to stay. That is his plan though. To kill and then rise with his army. How cowardly of me to do something like that. I should have stayed and then maybe I could have figured out some way to get my powers back without being killed.

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