Chapter twenty-six

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The letter is now ready to send to Headmaster and Vice Headmaster Grimm. If in fact something has happened over in Grimmdale, he is going to have to let us do something. This is not an issue the police can handle. This is something that the Grimmdale Corps could handle if they were still around. 

I tried to get a hold of mom for some sort of luck. Nothing. I can't keep count of many worried voice messages I have sent mom. I hope something bad didn't happen to her. I would hate to lose someone else close to me.

I skimmed through the letter, making sure that this is what I want to send. The letter reads as it states. Arthur has recently abducted the following students at Grimmdale Academy. That would be Lumi, Yuki, Jiao Long, Rosanne, Amity, and Willow. Three other students, me, Acelin, and Xanthe went to Grimdark Mountain. Even though the rescue was a success, we are now in the middle of hiding in London at the Heidari mansion.

The letter continues, asking about what is going on over in Grimmdale. Where is everyone and why is contact limited. If everyone back at home is in some sort of trouble, then is there anyway we can come back without being caught and where can we go to come up with a plan to be able to stop Arthur while also letting other witches and wizards outside of Grimmdale to help us out.

Perfect. Once Headmaster and Vice Headmaster Grimm receive the letter, we can figure out what to do next. Right now, all of us need to come up with a plan. I don't think I have enough potions to be able to handle more than a couple of withered beasts, guards, Edward, and Arthur. Arthur might even come up with a counterattack against the potions I use though. I have to be two steps ahead of Arthur.

I rolled up the letter and gave it to Xanthe to deliver. Xanthe gave me a hesitant look, but I assured that this letter would work. She nodded back at me and took out her wand. Xanthe waved her wand over the letter, whispering an incantation.

The letter started to rustle and smoke emitted from the scroll. I took a step away from the scroll as it continued to rattle and smolder.

"Is that supposed to happen?" I asked, casting a worried look to Xanthe.

"I don't know." Xanthe replied, "This is my first time performing the spell."

I threw my hands up, "You're the vice headmaster's daughter, how do you not know if it's not working or it is?" 

"I wasn't taught a whole lot of spells like you." Xanthe rebutted, "Keep in mind, my dad isn't like your dad."

The scroll made a pop sound and it was gone, the smoke still lingering. The letter was gone, so it must have worked. Xanthe and I waited for a couple of minutes to see if the letter was actually gone or was it going to come back to us and the spell didn't work.

"Do you think the spell worked?" I murmured.

"I think so." Xanthe answered, "If it didn't, it would have come back to us immediately."

"I guess we just wait." I assume, "The letter might come back to us later, we'll see."

Please answer Headmaster and Vice Headmaster. Grimmdale is in trouble. London is next. We need to help.

"Rowan." Xanthe spoke, "Are you okay? You're zoning out."

"I'm hoping that your uncle would allow us to help." I sighed, "I don't think he realizes that this isn't something the police can't do. We need to step in."

"I have been trying to get dad to talk to him, but he wouldn't." Xanthe stated, "When Arthur first broke out of prison, I went to the High Court of Grimmdale to talk to them, but they said that it will all be fine, but it's clear that it isn't. Did people forget about the things Arthur had done or they do know and they are choosing to forget?"

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